Thursday, December 29, 2022

"The Haves" and the "Have Nots"


“The Haves and the Have Nots”

By Jim Culp

December 29, 2022


There is a great distance between people in our country. There are arguments every day on twenty or more television channels, and many more than that in government buildings, lunch time at jobs, and a hundred other places…even house of worship.

This country is headed for a very long struggle, and there is a great need for responsible leadership in our government, military, cities and townships. The time is coming when there will either be successful and responsible government in our times, or we will implode on our own weight.

This morning, I read an article about NASA’s new telescope that cost the taxpayers 10.8 billion dollars. Apparently, we need to find a planet that has life on it, and then devise a plan to go there in the near future. Well, isn’t that nice. But here is my take on that. We haven’t even put a base on our moon yet. Sure, the space station is floating around the world, but that’s already old technology.

Maybe I am an old, disgruntled soldier… but I fail to see the need for finding planets in distant places where we have absolutely no technology that is going to get someone there for fifty or sixty years. It is folly, and a massive pipedream to go with it.

As for that 10.8 billion, here’s a few suggestions for our gubberment:

·       Let’s repair/replace all the failing bridges

·       Let’s repair all the roads full of potholes and failing concrete

·       Let’s build homes for the homeless, and they help

·       Demolish old houses and buildings; they are homes for thugs

·       Let’s worry about Texas before we worry about Mars

·       Let’s quit sending people to prison for smoking weed

·       Let us, as a people, make Congress impose new term limits

Anytime we, as our country’s taxpayers, see money being channeled to utter bullshit, need to speak up. I could care less what party you belong to, or what church you go to…we are all the Citizens of the USA! It’s time to TRULY make our country great again.

There is literally NO reason for a U.S. citizen to go without the basic needs of food, shelter, and health care. I can’t stress enough that we need to turn our money and talents back into our country.

Being the last blog entry for 2022, I want to thank all my readers and all your constructive comments. They mean the world to be, and I’ll be here to rant and rave in 2023.



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Friday, December 23, 2022

"Sane and Insane"


“Sane and Insane”

By Jim Culp

December 23, 2022


After our worthless government, my greatest peeve of 2022 was people and their treatment of animals. I understand people walking their dogs, taking them to the pet park, and many other activities people do with their pets. But here and now, I want to address dogs and their owners. Many people treat their dogs as good as their children, and in some cases, better.

I won’t go down that drainage pipe because I am due for a long winter nap.

Here in the big city, I see people leaving dogs outside all night long. Now, there is a season of the year that this is ok, provided the animals have food and water, and something to get under if it rains. Acceptable, but pay in mind; if you don’t have a high fence, remember that the pit fighters need bait, and lot of it. This is all considering that two things are not done, and they are easy. Chaining a dog is ok for a very short period of time…say thirty minutes…Hubby is trimming the verges, and Mom is inside mopping all the floors. No one needs a dog in the middle of either, so cool. If it’s really hot, at least chain them in the shade with a large bowel of clean water.

What is not acceptable at all is chaining a dog in the yard and leaving it there because the stake is set in concrete. So lazy Pete watches six hours of porn and heads to the bedroom to sleep. Meanwhile, Rover is either freezing his tail off (sometimes literally) or panting so hard from heat that he starts having heart palpitations (yes, dogs can have heart attacks too).

Either season, either way…unacceptable to me. If you are not going to treat a dog like a pet, give him away to someone that wants one, or put an ad in the paper. Just make sure that the buyer is not a dogfighter…and yes, you can purchase a plan for websites that run people’s ID and many other items.

Most people out here in Lee’s Summit are good to their pets. I see it every day. But go about eight miles into Kansas City proper and you’ll see every atrocity against pets that you can imagine. Dogs outside on nights that it is 20⁰F. Unacceptable. Their dogs (or any pet) should be removed and seized, and the owners fined big bucks. Repeat the offense? Prison time.

Last point… I understand livestock because they (cows and such) are just not for the house. But when it is cold, they need to get out of the direct wind at least. Straw is a high helper, especially of you have turkeys or chickens.

Be kind to your animals, whatever you are. I used to have several reptiles, but they require a lot of care. I found them good homes and didn’t charge the new owners. Fish are great, but again; need a ton of TLC.

Whatever you do, don’t leave Mutley out in the cold, it ain’t cool.

My best to all this holiday season,



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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

"Back and Forward"


“Back and Forward”

By Jim Culp

December 20, 2022


I don’t celebrate Christmas, and I haven’t since 2004 when I converted to Modern Paganism. We pagans celebrate the Season of Yule this time of year. Yule is the symbolic “death” of the year…the trees have lost their leaves, the air is cold, and most humans are less active at this time. The New Year is right around the corner, and we’ll go from there. Many people here in the Mid-West are Christians (at least thirty versions of such) and attend various rituals and things that pertain to the life and death of a Savior, one that would bring them peace and prosperity. I do not care what a person believes, so long as he/she doesn’t want to cram it down my air tube. Every man and woman on this planet have some say on his/her fate, and every one of us dances to either their own tune, or to someone else’s. I say, “you do you,” and “I’ll do me.”

 I live in western Missouri, and we are about to have a bout of weather that we haven’t seen in years of later. The West is already experiencing heavy snows and deadly cold temperatures as a write this. My brothers in Idaho are better weathermen than the ones on TV, so if I really want to know something, I give them a call.

This year is winding down to a close soon; and we’ll head into a new year with plenty of doubt and fear. The Earth is one the verge of World War III, and we will see what happens the next 2-3 days.

Whatever decisions are made, they had better not be taken lightly. I wish you all a merry holiday season, and may we all have peace in our hearts, and joy with what we have.

As for the aforementioned… I say this. Love with all your heart…be kind to one another and appreciate your blessings that you are alive and well. This may well be the last Holiday Season that we experience in peacetime.



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Thursday, December 15, 2022

"Get Lost"


“Get Lost”

By Jim Culp


Another year is about to pass, and I say good riddance. This year has been filled with extreme doubt, government bullshit, and way too much focus on demigods instead of reality.

There are two things that need our highly focused attention to, and those (in my opinion) are (A) the war in Ukraine, where the Russians lose ground and hundreds of soldiers dies every day needlessly. Vladmir Putin ordered this travesty a year ago, and it’s been downhill every day. This guy needs a hobby and a farm that are about a thousand miles from civilization. Maybe he and Donald Trump could live in a little villa where they can play chess and chase goats hoping for a date. Whatever they do, they won’t be located anywhere the big red button is, and there’s no Generals to take another order for mass mobilization.

(B) The mass exodus of Mexican people entering the USA illegally. These people yearn for a better way of life, and I can’t blame them for that. But folks, you got to do it legally. Having ten, twenty, or fifty thousand people entering our country is a big no-no in my book. I have nothing against the Mexican people, but it is their country that needs to tend to them, not the USA. Everyone I know says that if Trump were still in power, the wall would be built, and no one would be getting in. Well, we never needed a wall in the first place. We needed A) a line of demarcation, and B) Guard towers with excellent snipers that stand ready for violators. You’d be amazed at the amount of people that change their minds when the person in front of them suddenly has no head. Hate speech? Nope. Reality speech.

Last caveat. This December, I am very sick of two things. A) Tom Brady and B) Christmas trees. Let me explain...Tom Brady is a damn good football player, but he’s not worth all the bullshit that he tries to install every day, and his fit-throwing on the field anytime anyone makes a mistake. Get over yourself man.

Lastly, Christmas trees. No, I don’t mind people purchasing Christmas trees and placing them in their homes for the holiday. I mind very much the assholes that cut down beautiful, oxygen producing clean air to breathe, and help keep soil intact as they grow. Buy a synthetic tree, and use it for ten, twenty, or even fifty years. Nothing gets killed, and we preserve critical forests that are the backbone of ecosystems.

I don’t ask for much.

Merry Christmas, and to my pagan brothers and sisters, Blessed Yule to you and yours.



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Sunday, December 11, 2022

"Of Songs and Diatribe"


“Of Songs and Diatribe”

By Jim Culp

December 11, 2022


Way back in 1981, I wrote a song that would sit in a box for many years. Years later, I read all my song lyrics that night, and decided to put four of them on an album. As luck would have it, I worked at a company called ACS, and many times that work took me to Tacoma, Washington. Amid that large stretch of cities lied the massive bases of Fort Lewis (Army) and Fort McChord (Air Force). I worked exclusively with Range Control on Fort Lewis building their MOUT* sites. My team and I installed seven of these sites, and then were tasked much later on to repaint many of them.

During this time, I met a great guy named Mike Morrison. Mike was a hard worker, and a killer guitar player. So, I asked him to play guitar on my coming CD. The record had four songs but let me focus on one of them for the purposes of this article. The first song on the CD was called “the Devil’s Blues…” which I had written in 1981 with my trust Harmony guitar that I had received for Christmas the past year. “The Devil’s Blues” was a parody about people blaming their problems and life’s negative occurrences on an imaginary figure. This figure (or entity if you like) was “the Devil,” or “Satan,” the father of lies and deceit. This character was in many religions (most notably in Christianity and Islam) but in some other also.

Anyway, the album was painstakingly recorded and produced, and place on three music outlets: You Tube, iTunes, and word of mouth. I gave it as a gift to a large number of people and sent a copy to everyone in my immediate family; but that’s another subject you can read about in my autobiography, due to publish in summer of 2023.

Time went by, and this record had been on those two channels for eleven years. Great…right?

I get a notice from YouTube last night, and it said they were removing it from that channel, because “it might imply violence.”

Holy Shit on a Ritz cracker. I am now complete… because I’ll heard it all now.

(* MOUT means “Military Operations in Urban Terrain)



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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Lies, and more lies III


Lies, and More Lies III

By Jim Culp

December 6, 2022


Well, it seems that Big Don’s hypocrisy and lies only go so far…but far enough to make me understand that he is a brilliant money maker, world traveler, and bullshit artist all rolled into one fat taco.

Let’s start with today’s news. It seems that Big Don’s hypocrisy and lies know no bounds. I love the movie where Val Kilmer played a famous gambler and gunfighter and used those very words on his death bed.

Ex-President Trump is a con artist. Well, there’s a million of those out there; but none of them are the former President of these here United States.

Today the headlines read something car less than the last two days where this stupid asshole talked about screwing with the Constitution. First, I heartly laughed at this gesture on Big Don’s part; but soon after became deeply concerned that this idiot is serious about it.

Now, today…this moron is being thumped again because he “forgot” to include $19.8 Million dollars on his taxes while he was the POTUS. Whoops! A little mistake on the Trumpster’s track record. Can I tell you why he got caught? Carelessness…plain and simple. The asshole thinks that he is above the law, and in many cases, he is probably right. A friend at the library saw me writing this and started a short political debate with me.

“Yeah man…but Joe Biden is a bleeding-heart liberal that is way worse than Trump.”

“I know, and that is the problem. We have to choose the lesser of two shitheads every single time we cast votes for POTUS.”

“But Biden is a career politician,” he said in disgust.

“You’re right Charlie, I continued…” but that’s just as bad. Those idiots need to be voting for the right way, not the parties wet dreams.”

We laughed it off. We’re both old veterans that have seen more corruption in the military and civilian life, it’s too much to take in. So, I headed home and continued this paper.

What do you think would happen to you if you “forgot” $19.8 “thousand” on your tax return? I know…you’d pay it back in a reasonable amount of time, or you’d soon be acquainted with Bubba the gorilla wiener.

But none of these politicians are going to jail or prison; they have so much on each other that no one is going to throw the big book at them. Yeah, they set in forums and act like they give a fuck, but they don’t.

Last thing, and I am done for the day. I don’t care about political parties; I care about the people of the United States of America, and my brother veterans that died for the cause of freedom.

It is now not a reason of who is a Democrat or a Republican; it is a choice of a man or woman with conviction, knowledge of the job he is doing, and acting in the interest of the people of the USA.



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