Thursday, April 28, 2016

Accounting and Accountability


-By Jim Culp


I read today that the FBI has enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton for the emails sent from a private server in her home while she was Secretary of State.

That's good news.

We all know that Hillary is one shady ass bitch, and should have been hanging from the gallows a long, long time ago, along with a lot of other toadies that got away with, well, yes, murder. I hope they indict her, and if there is a deity that really cares about his/her people here in the good ole US of A, he/she will at least make sure that Hillary isn't made President; that'll be disaster for the country and even more strain on an already crippled and crumbling economy.

But let's not stop there.

My research is also getting some nasty figures on the Iraq war.

The final debt of that conflict, which to this day keeps adding up, is near the six trillion mark. Sure, you're going to hear Republicans saying that the Central Bank of Iraq took care of that and that everything was a wash after the wells started working again.

Uh-huh. And I am named Jack and have a beanstalk in my backward that reaches heaven.

The truth is, from 2003 to 2009, the USA couldn't account for six billion dollars, and still hasn't accounted for all of it. The news you see at six o'clock doesn't tell you that for the first 2-3 years of the invasion/occupation, we did everything in cash. I know, I was there. Let's account for all of that, Republicans.

And as for accountability of leaders, let's start with Halliburton, and then let's revisit 9-11.

Both are chock full of holes, and the Bush Administration has a cast of characters that we can hang right up there next to Hillary when it's all said and done.

All of it, ladies and gents, is based upon lies.

Let's make Washington accountable for what had happened in the last three decades, and let's make "leaders" accountable for their sins.