Monday, February 28, 2022

"Dear Joe"


February 28, 2022

“Dear Joe”

By Jim Culp


Dear Joe,

I know you have been in politics since 1973…I remember my stepfather, talking to the TV… saying that “you would make a good President if you just acted better.” All that aside Joe, you are a war-time President now. You must make moves that will work for the US Citizen, NATO, the EU, and Jill.

 Do not ever think we do not have your back, except that most of us don’t. Let me set things straight. I didn’t vote for you, because you are a career politician. I’d say the same for Hillary, but she is a career criminal. I didn’t vote for Donny the rich-boy… because he’s a rich boy. But I digress.

 Joe, gas (as of 32 minutes ago) is $3.89 at the pump. And man…am I glad I ain’t driving a diesel fueled automobile…that shit is $4.89.

But let’s talk Ukraine for a minute. Today I read that the president of France asked Vladimir Putin to fight his war in Ukraine, but to refrain from killing civilians, damaging infrastructure, and causing undo power failures and hunger. That’s like having sixty-five weeds in a yard concealed by two thousand blades of grass…and you’re tasked with “mowing the yard, but don’t cut the weeds.”

War is not waged that way, Macron. Even Joe knows…right Joe?

In 2003, we killed over seven thousand civilians. In 2004, we killed around 200,000 civilians, and that is a kind estimate. Did we win that war? Sure, but at great cost on a war based entirely upon lies.

War is a nasty thing, Joe…believe me; I’ve been there twice. Infrastructure, hospitals, bridges, schools, daycares, and everything else gets fucked up. Why, because the enemy hides in those places.

Last thing…do you think (in your wildest dreams) that this war in Ukraine will be clean and tidy? Maybe ask Kamala…Jesus knows that silly bitch knows everything about everything.



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Friday, February 18, 2022


February 18, 2022

“Like Yesterday’s Snow”

By Jim Culp


We had a fair amount of snow in the big MO yesterday, some places more than other. There was a historic record in one area of the metro… not sure where. Here in Lee’s Summit, we had about eight inches. Drifting was the real issue though, because there was so much high wind blowing that dry snow into every corner and crevice. KDOT and MODOT were some busy people for a night and a day. The fact that (at 08:30 this morning) the temperature is still a brisk 11 F with -2 F windchill.

Snow is not the key thing on my mind this morning; I am more concerned about the events unfolding in the Ukraine. There is a large build-up of Russian troops on the borders, and President Biden is now saying “in the next few days.” Assuming Joe slept through the report, I’d say that is more like a week. Russia will move forces to more key areas within the next few days and seek to penetrate the borders areas where the opposition is the weakest. Vladimir Putin might be as boring as hamburger soup, but he is no idiot. He has a resume longer than Ben Roethlisberger’s right arm and knows the story of Ukraine and her neighbors back to front. He has watched for years as Presidents on both sides have dealt with Ukraine, Crimea, and the world outside. Unlike our illustrious leaders, Putin is a former soldier... in fact, a former Special Forces soldier and officer of the KGB. But his real weapon is this… he knows United States politics back to front. He knows that the last three Presidents of the United States (as well as the current one) were and are about as ignorant of waging war as Trump was in keeping his dick in his trousers.

Don’t worry…Uncle Jim is going to keep a real close eye on this one. Stay tuned.


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