Friday, January 21, 2022


January 21, 2022


By Jim Culp

 I first heard the record “Bat Out of Hell” in 1985 when I arrived in the Republic of Korea as a young and extremely green soldier. My roommate had the record on a 33 rpm turntable, and he played it anytime we were in the barracks. I didn’t know Marvin Lee Aday at the time, and wondered why he called himself ‘Meat Loaf. “Bat Out of Hell” was a multi-platinum record…selling millions of copies worldwide. The record spoke volumes to me. When I told my roommate that I had never heard it, he asked me if I had been living in a cave in Africa before I joined the Army. I laughed and said “Pretty close, dude.” In 1984, I bought my first car, and it only had a radio in the dash. Once I obtained a cassette tape player in it, life was way better. I could only listen to Rock and Roll when I was in my car, or at other guy’s houses…Rock and Roll was forbidden in my home, because it was “Of the Devil.”

When I told Army buddies that, they would laugh out loud. Replies like “dude, that is fu%$*&% insane!!” I listened to a ton of rock and roll music in my Olds ’98, but never heard Meatloaf before. It was the same for Pink Floyd and many others. I was turned on to all of them in Korea, where you could buy cassette tapes in a little store for $2.00. They were dubbed from an LP, but who cares. You could build a massive collection in the year that you were there.

Meat Loaf belted out songs like “Two Out of Three Ain't Bad,” and “For Crying’ Out Loud.” I was sold like a farmer’s wife sniffin’ produce.

Meat Loaf entertained us for 50 years. Yesterday, he passed to the beyond the barrier of life. We will miss him.



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Friday, January 7, 2022



Misnomer #2:

Many people speak misnomers when they are talking about the land where I and millions of other people live. I live in Missouri, a sovereign state that is 1/50th of the United States of America. This massive body of independent states shares borders with Canada (to the North) and Mexico (to the South). One of the states with membership in the USA is Alaska (on the Northwest “tip” of the Canadas) that was purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 Million. Alaska became a U.S. state on January 3, 1959.

 From California facing west, the U.S. state of Hawaii lies midway in the Pacific Ocean just a short 2,572 miles. Hawaii became a U.S. state on August 21st of 1959. The Hawaiian Islands are home to 1.4 Million residents.

The “Lower 48” and the two states aforementioned are the “United States of America.” It is not proper to call the USA “America” because the USA is only a part of the “Americas.” The Americas stretch from the Northwestern Passages in the Arctic Ocean to the Southern tip of South America near Islas “Islands” Hermite in the Southern Pacific Ocean.

The vast region I just described is “America,” or “the Americas.”

So when you say “I live in “Merica”…” (Like George Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama frequently did) you should be naming the state you live in, and that would suffice. You can easily say “I live in Texas…” almost anywhere in the world to anyone with a 5th grade education, and all would be good. If you are in a third world country, you might need to include “the United States.”

Easy Peasey…


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Saturday, January 1, 2022



By Jim Culp

January 1, 2022

Well…if it isn’t 2022…how quaint. It’s 17˚F here in Lee’s Summit. We have a 1-2” blanket of snow that gives it all a wintry bliss. We are supposed to receive more snow and lower temperatures this coming week. It’s finally winter and the temperatures are hopefully going to stay cold long enough to kill all the pesky bugs that make Spring and Summer too miserable to do anything outside.

2022 promises my immediately family (Me, Jess, and a stupid cat) a move out of the city, a new life, and a better state of mind. As for the rest of our family across this old US of A, I wish you peace, love, and joy in the coming New Year. For my “extended family,” I wish all my military brothers and sisters the very best that life can give them…they deserve it. To all of my friends, family, and loved ones that have left this plane before me…may your soul find a new home, and may your new life flourish wherever it may be.

Life is a gift. Treasure it like one. It is finite until you make the next journey.



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