Tuesday, May 31, 2022




By Jim Culp

May 31, 2022


This post reminded me of when I worked for the government. The place was a maintenance and storage facility for the Army Reserve. This was 1999. The going operating system was Windows 98 making its way to 2000. At home, I loved Windows 95 and didn’t want to let it go. I stuck with it until my current machine gave up the ghost in 2001.

Back at the job, there was guy that ran the computer operations for the facility. He was 186 years old at the time I was working there (1999 to 2006). Bob knew everything, and he had worked with computers since the Abacus was invented in 2300 BC. Bob said he was there, but I doubt that. Bob still loved his 5.25 discs and insisted that everything be backed up on them. He also still used 4-tracks for audio; he had every song from several artists that recorded hits in Mesopotamia sometime before Jesus. Bob had a small room in the rear of the supply area that looked like Iron Man’s design shop. It had four computers, three printers, two CRT televisions converted into monitors, and a refrigerator. He loved to talk electronics, and my partner and I used to ask him if he helped design the Death Star. He’d answer “yep” without skipping a beat while typing at 15 trillion words per minute. We’d do that at least once a week just to get a laugh.

Bob finally retired in 2003 while I was in Iraq. He was mandated to retire, which pissed him off to no end. In the government’s defense, Bob was older than Methuselah…according to biblical records. Bob’s position was replaced with two lovely ladies, both dumber than a bag of hammers, but with lovely, shaped forms. Imagine that.



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Friday, May 27, 2022

"Memorial Day"


“Memorial Day”

May 27, 2022

By Jim Culp


Monday the 30st of May will come very soon. It is a great day of celebrating the lives of great men, and the mourning of their deaths in service to the United States of America. Many people (despite our attempts to educate the ignorant) still think this day is Veteran’s Day. It’s not.

Veteran’s Day is a day to thank all service persons in uniform for their current service, past service, or in training to serve.

Memorial Day is a different animal. It is set aside each year for this purpose. Formerly called “Decoration Day,” it was changed in 1971 to officially be named Memorial Day. This holiday has several customs, such as placing tiny USA flags on gravestones. This is done in my “second hometown” of Silver City, New Mexico where a group performs this every year. A friend I grew up with in that town is a former Marine and is part of it. My mother and my stepfather (a World War II veteran) are buried there. This cemetery of part of the old Army hospital and base at Fort Bayard, NM. This hospital is famous for their part in caring for and curing hundreds of World War I soldiers that were attacked with chlorine gas. The dry air and abundant sunshine made them well again; they had endured months of war on cold and wet battle fields of then war-torn Europe.

Teach your children about the cost of freedom. Someday, they will need to know the difference.

RIP Mike J. Walmsley    Operation Desert Storm

RIP William J. Blake      Operation Iraqi Freedom I


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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Another Shooting?


“Another Shooting?”

By Jim Culp

May 25, 2022


It’s a cool and rainy day here in Lee’s Summit. It’s been this way for the past few days, and man it gets old quick. It’s akin to the weather we used to get in early March. This morning, I read the news about the shooting in Uvalde, Texas. What a tragedy. This was a multi-target shooting by a kid in his teens named Salvador Ramos. Uvalde is over 78% Hispanic by demography, but that is common in the border areas in that region. Shootings in Texas are fairly common; there have been 27 incidents of shootings resulting in deaths since I was born in that state in 1966. What I would like to point out now is that there have probably been 2-300 shootings (resulting in deaths or not) during that time that simply were never recorded or followed up on.

This incident is tragic and horrible for the parents and relatives of the deceased. It’s also tragic that any person is full of this much rage that he does something this terrible. We could drone on about the mental side of this for days, but I am not qualified to make a call on any of that, so I’ll move on.

First, let’s look at a profile. When Ramos turned 18 sometime past, he purchased  two AR-15 style sporting rifles legally from a gun store. Ramos made the purchases using his grandmother’s address, and it is unknown if he resided with her or not.  It is unknown how much ammunition that he carried to the shooting, but I am of the belief that he had a full magazine in both weapons. The photo of the rifles show two 30 round magazines. Another source claims that Ramos had one rifle, and a handgun. This is unconfirmed. First, it is currently  believed that Ramos shot his grandmother before he headed to the school to perform the shootings. As of now, it is reported that she is on her way to a hospital in San Antonio. Ramos wounded two sheriff's deputies, but not fatally. It is believed now that he shot two sheriff’s deputies, but not fatally. It is believed that he shot 19 children fatally in the range of 2nd grade to 4th grade, and two teachers, also fatally. My heart goes out to these victims, their families, and everyone involved. This kind of carnage should never happen in a civilized society.

Now, let’s look at some things. This kid bought these rifles at a local retailer nine days ago, on his 18th birthday using his Grandmother’s address. That should have sent up a red flag from the get go. At a minimum, the retailer should have made a few phone calls. The kid was bullied and assaulted at school several times, and ditched classes on various occasions. At a bare minimum, the retailer should have a limit on how many guns one person can buy in a day. I know…the Democrats reading this will say that he shouldn’t have been able to buy one until he was 92 with 18 letters from Senators and Governors; and the Republicans will say that he should be able to buy an Abrams tank with a full compliment of ammunition if he wants. This is what is wrong with out country right now…but I digress.

So the kids lays down his greenbacks for two AR-15 style sporting rifles, and buys (or has already obtained) magazines and ammunition for these, as well as a pistol; which is illegal. There are certain situations where persons under 21 years of age can purchase handguns, but they must do so through a legal process. I assume that Mr. Ramos obtained this gun from someone, or stole it.

Now, let’s talk about media hype concerning the riles. These rifles ARE NOT assault rifles. They are called sporting rifles for a reason. They are semi-automatic rifles that load and fire ONE SHOT per squeeze of the trigger. Can a trained person fire round in semi-automatic mode quickly? Yes, absolutely. But they are not assault rifles. Assault Rifles (like the M-16A1 that I used in Basic Training and my tour of Korea) are capable of firing in full automatic mode…or, you can select to fire one round at a time. The point here is, a modern assault rifle (although not a machine gun) can fire rounds at a target at a rate of 20 rounds per second. I am not saying that a sporting rifle doesn’t do damage. It’s a deadly weapon…but so is a black powder pistol, or a 30.30 Winchester Carbine, or a chef’s knife.

“Ignorance is bliss” is an old saying that I heard many times as a young Private in the Army. At the time, I was ignorant (as many 18 year olds are) and acted upon ignorance. But then I grew up. It took a minute, but I learned that there are some things called research, and computer searches, and libraries full of books and maps. Educate yourself. I fully agree that these shootings are horrible, and should not happen. I will NEVER, EVER…support the infringement of life and liberty on Law Abiding citizens because of IGNORANCE.

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment Two: The Bill of Rights



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Friday, May 13, 2022

"You Can't Make this Shit Up" Episode I


“You Can’t Make this Shit Up- Episode I”

By Jim Culp

May 13, 2022


So today, I had to go to the main VA in Kansas City for an exam and some supplies. All good. Despite having to go to thar abhorrent area of the city, the whole thing was painless. When I left the VA, I realized that I had a very empty stomach, as breakfast had been over three hours ago.

As I rode into Independence (which is only eight miles from my place in Lee’s Summit) I felt hunger pangs, and thought of some place to eat lunch. Well, since McDonalds and other fast food places are ten bucks a meal now, I thought I might just head to Golden Corral…or as I call it…Troll Trough.

I chose my food, and sat down in the front area, and immediately noticed two very familiar sights at the old TT. These was a large crew of Hispanic guys from a road crew that had the same idea I did about lunch. They were eating and laughing lunch away…not a care in sight.

To the right of them were two very large Trolls. Each had it’s own trollette, and each was screaming at the young trolls about this or that. I ignored them, and talked to my daughter on text as I ate my meal. Once I was ready to go, I signed off with her; and made my way to the waitress to tip her. She smiled and winked at me for the tip, because she typically receives fifty cents or maybe a dollar from the clientele there that are mostly in their mid hundreds.

As I turned to leave, I heard two separate Trolls arguing, and curiosity made me look around the corner. There they were, two large cave Trolls; each holding her trollette by the arm, and a mammoth sized portion of pies, cakes, and ice cream stacked on a plate about a meter high. They were throwing insults at one another, and threatening bodily harm if their particular trollette did not get a scoop of jelly bean on its plate first.

I left before the SWAT teams arrived, not wishing to engage. Life goes on.



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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

""The Holy Bible"


“The Holy Bible”

By Jim Culp

May 11, 2022

This is a response to a request. It is my view.

 I was raised as a Christian when I was ages 5-17. We went to church 3 times per week, and for 4 years of that period, I attended a Christian school that was part of the church. So…needless to say, I was indoctrinated very early in life. I’ve read the King James version of the bible at least six times, and it is broken into two testaments…the old and the new. The Old Testament is all the stories about how the Jewish were persecuted over the years but prevailed at different times because they had a “man of God” leading them. It lays out the rules that God says should never be broken, and these are called the Ten Commandments. It’s long and tedious.

Fairly early in this tome, you can find that first purge of the Earth by God, recorded in the Book of Genesis (Chapters 6-9) where mankind is wiped out by water that covers the entire expanse of the Earth. However, God saved a man named Noah, his family, and two of every species on Earth so that life could begin again. This story is repetitive in hundreds of cultures…South American, North American, Egyptian, Chinese…the list is too long to mention all of them. There is scientific evidence of this flood, so there is some proof of it.

Then you have the New Testament, and it starts out with four men giving you their stories about the life of a man named Jesus the Christ. I say it that way because a man name Jesus Christ never existed. “Christ” is a title, not a name. He was supposedly called Jesus of Nazareth, because he was from that area of Israel. To date, there is no absolute proof that a man named Jesus, Jesus Christ, or Jesus of Nazareth ever existed anywhere. The only people that ever claimed to know this person were his disciples (a religious group of guys that supposedly followed him around the holy lands and witnessed him performing miracles).

The gospels (as these four books are called) tell of the life and death of this person, and of him being the Son of God…but in human from for 33 years on Earth. Ultimately…each gospel tells of his imprisonment, his trials, and his ultimate execution at the hands of the Roman Empire. They all claim that Jesus was crucified, but anyone that has studied Roman law during that period knows that crucifixion (a brutal way to die) was only reserved for persons that had committed the most violent of crimes (rape, murder, incest). Am I saying that no one was crucified for other reasons? No. Roman Emperors for many years had their own policies,

The rest of the New Testament is written by various Christians (as Jesus’ followers are called) such as the Apostle Paul, John of Patmos, Peter, and several others. It ends with the Book of Revelation… a story about the end of the world, and the return of Jesus the Christ to Earth where he takes all his faithful followers to Heaven, a place in some part of the Universe where everyone (Christians) lives forever with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

I’ve read four versions of the Bible, and these includes the King James version, the Hebrew Bible or “Tanakh,” the New Standard Version, and the Tree of Life Version. These all express the Bible in different ways, but the Hebrew version caters to the Jewish peoples.

The Bible (as a whole) is a boring read, unless you are into endless diatribes expressed by hundred of prophets, apostles, and disciples.

Do you like the Holy Bible? Well, I say read it, and judge for yourself.



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Sunday, May 8, 2022

"Holy Father"


“Holy Father”

By Jim Culp

May 8, 2022


I read this morning that the “Holy Father” in Rome has blamed both the U.S. and NATO, as well as Russia and Ukraine for the war taking place.

OOOOKEE DOKEE. First of all, when did you become a military tactician? You’re not, Pope. You’re a figure that a bunch of week-minded people follow, because they believe you are the “Emissary of the Christ.” Whatever. Did you look into your crystal ball last night and come up with that shit? Give me a break dude. Wars are fought by soldiers…and they are trained in tactics and battle-field disciplines. Leave war to the generals on both sides. Do they tell you which lies to spread at mass? No, they don’t.

As for the “holy father” shit, you’re about as holy as a garter snake. You’re no holier that any other human being on the planet, and you’re failure to prosecute your priests for doing things to little boy’s butts is a great example. We won’t mention the billions of dollars that your institutions take in annually, yet you never see what they do with it. Order some more marble for the courtyards? Get everyone a new frock?

Last point: I am biblically educated. And here’s my point; I don’t believe in your religion, but I know more than the average schmuck. I believe it was in the New Testaments where the Christ that stated “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”

For your reference, that passage comes from Matthew 23:9.

Stick to your own crap, Pope…war is province of men.


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Tuesday, May 3, 2022




By Jim Culp

May 3, 2022


This is a recent letter that I sent and it was returned to me.


Dear Weather Gods,

You know, I ain’t one to complain much. Things happen; I get it. But come on ya’ll, this crap is way out of hand. It’s May…that means flowers and me taking tons of allergy pills to survive…you know…fun stuff. Right now, it’s about 54ยบ F here in Missura! Fifty-four MFin’ degrees ya’ll!

Now, I get it if you guys and gals are on vacation…but it’s time to get back to work and give up some nice May temperatures. You know, like high seventies. No…not high seventies with 29 MF’in mph winds neither. Nice calm weather for scoping out chicks, fishin’, and drinking a couple or eight cold ones and grillin’ some wings out back.

I know, lots o’ folks done believe in ya’ll anymore, but I do.

Now, I’ve been a damn good boy this year and last. I ain’t killed no one since 2003, and I’ve only cussed out two or three goblins at the Walmart all year! So, I think on them merits alone, ya’ll can send some 70’s my way, or in fact…you could just send me back to the ‘70s so I can go see some good rockers before they was all dead. Your call.


P.S. Sorry about the other day when I cursed the weather…I was just tired of getting’ wet.

In your names,



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