Friday, October 28, 2022

New and Old


“Very new…and very old”

By Jim Culp

October 28, 2022


In 2000, my military career changed abruptly to another component of the U.S. Army. I was discharged from the Kansas National Guard and joined the U.S. Army Reserve. I was able to discharge early because my move was “in the interest of and favorable to the good of the U.S. Army.” My contract ended in less that two days and I headed to MEPS* for my physical and all that silly crap. Civilian bosses were not happy about it, but I didn’t care. It was a $14 dollar raise on the civilian side, and I would soon be in charge of a Movement Control Detachment. I stopped by the National Guard and said goodbye to my old tank… I would miss her…Not. That bucket of bolts put fifty health years on my body in seven calendar years. I finished school for that MOS** and reported back to my unit.

“Welcome, SSG*** Culp,” said the Commander, “Report to Captain Weaver for your first assignment, and as soon as you get back, you’ll be in charge of the 378th HRT*!

I went and reported to Captain Darrel Weaver, a guy that I would live to become great friends with. Darrel was a black dude from Chicago, and not in the nicest part. He was one of the most intelligible people I ever met. We shook hands and he said “We’re headed to Italy, Sarge; and I want to watch over the kids, so I don’t have to…capiche? (Do you understand?)

“Roger Sir, when are we headed out?”

“Friday morning, 0300.”

Upon arriving in Italy, we were picked up by a Specialist in a 15-passenger van. It was easy to spread out because we only had six people. Some folks in that unit did several missions per year. We drove through the cities and finally ended up at Vicenza, a village style town that had been there since the Second Century AD. It had survived an earthquake (1349) and the German bombings of World War II (1942-1945).

My Captain, a buddy Jim Warner, and I were all history buffs, and for the next 11 days we would see over half of Italy. The only work they wanted us to do was fill out surveys of the mess hall’s meals. This wasn’t a problem; their “mess hall” was like an Italian Bistro, but better. Every meal had a huge salad bar, and the breads were bought on the local market.

I could tell you more, but I don’t have the bandwidth to do all of that today.

A day later, I asked the Sergeant Major what he wanted us to do. He replied that he wanted me to go to Aviano Airbase and give a report of the Team Training that was going there (the Army had a detachment there).

We all loaded up and headed there. This base is huge… and has a plethora of aircraft and armaments. We located the Army Detachment there, and I went out and graded their Team Training. They were doing chemical warfare drills, and I gave them a talk afterwards. So… I did about 25 minutes of work that day. When we left there, we went to the Coliseum, but the crews were working on a structural failure, and said “sorry, two weeks.”

We headed back to Vicenza and visited a grape farmer. He and his cousin were in the wine business, and had done so since 560 AD. The wine was really awesome, and we bought some more bottle to take home and such. History was right in front of me here, and I wanted to stay for a year. We visited Venice for a whole day and enjoyed all the sites and shops. We had pizza there that you can’t match anywhere in the rest of the world. One thing you don’t want to do in Venice is to fall in the water. If you’re an American, the Department of State orders you to stay four weeks for vaccinations.

All in all, it was a great trip. The grand finale was when the airline screwed out tickets up. So, three of us had to ride First Class. Oh, the horror! We could eat or drink anything we wanted, and the flight attendants all looked like porn stars.

A final caveat. Very strange but true. On April 10th of 2004, I was in Iraq, and we were mortared for seven hours. The only fatality on our side was Antoine Holt, from Aviano Airbase.

I am going back to see that Coliseum up close and personal. I will be hoping they screw up my airline tickets again.

{{I am including a small glossary with this blog; some of my readers have told me that they have no clue what “this” and “that” are. My apologies; when you are a soldier as long as I was, you think everyone knows that stuff.}}

*: MEPS: Military Entrance Processing Station

**: MOS: Military Occupational Specialty

***: SSG: Staff Sergeant (the second rank in the Army’s Non-            Commissioned Officer ranks



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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Beast


“The Beast”

By Jim Culp

October 25, 2022


When I was a kid around the age of 11 or 12, my parents sent me and my older brother Dave to a Christian School across town.  

As part of our studies, we had to memorize chapters from the King James version of the Holy Bible. When it came my term, my teacher told me to “pick one myself.”

Well, that came easy for me. The Old Testament (the first tome of the bible, and the recordings of many men and women that allegedly wrote down the words of God… but through men and women) was really boring. It was filled with all kinds of stuff, but nothing that attracted a young Jamie Culp.

So, I opted to memorize Revelation 13: 1-18. It was cool, and had some exciting stuff rather than boring tales of gardens, guys with leprosy, and a God that brought swift judgement on any wary soul that crossed his commandments.

So I sat in my little cubicle, and starting memorizing.



1.And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.


2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.


3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.


There are 15 more verses, but they all point to a “beast” that would do some serious damage (as ordered by Satan; God’s enemy)

The guy that was writing all this down was allegedly the last of the disciples of Jesus the Christ. He was called John of Patmos, because the isle he had been exiled to was called Patmos. The Emperor Domitian had made that call because John was making trouble for the Empire. Much later on, John was called “Saint John the Divine.”

Anyhow, John saw things that would happen in the distant future, and he wrote all of them down. You can read about them yourself; the Book of Revelation is that last book of the Holt Bible. If you can’t afford one, get online and visit

No internet? Visit a library to rent one or a Mormon church; they will give you one for free.


Fast Forward to 1977. This school was part of a church, and most of them were. My parents sent us there because I guess they figured that attending church three times a week was not enough. So, every morning, we’d board a bus at our church, and it would take us to the other one where the school was.

On one particular day, Mrs. Berg stopped at my cubicle, and asked how my memorization assignment was coming.

“Pretty good, Ma’am.”

“And what does this chapter tell you about the subject?” she inquired.

“Um…we’re all screwed?”

“She laid her hand on my head and softly said in my ear. “Um, that is vulgar, and you’re getting a swat for that.”

Let me digress a bit. A “swat” at that school meant being smacked in the rump with a six-foot boat oar. Yeah, that’ll teach me.

So off I trudged to the principal’s office, and received my punishment, then a language lesson.

“James, the word “screwed” in the context you used it means F-U-…you know the rest.

“It does?!” I exclaimed.

“Yes sir!” he replied.

Well, the rest of that year went ok. We moved to Silver City to the same kind of church school, just smaller.

In due time, the Beast would come to me in my dreams. It horrified me and made me be a good boy for a few days. The senseless diatribe of established and fanatical religion had taken control of another kid. The Beast would stay with me until 2003, when I removed religion form my mind, and buried myself in other subjects. Life would be much better now. That year I only had to fight one war, not two. My mental palate no longer had that monkey on my back. Believe me, I needed my whole brain and mental fortitude to do my job and get all my boys home.

To LTC John Killigan: Thank you for your guidance, Sir. I am proud to call you brother.


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