Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Banned: Those who dont conform.

March 31, 2015

It is particularly amazing and profound to me that some business owners would take a stance that they have here in the USA the last few weeks. They've decided that they will not provide services to persons that are gay, lesbian, or of transgender posture. Their reason for this practice is that the act of being gay is against the teachings of the Christian bible. I see.

To reveal the source of these "teachings", you have to go back to the early chapters of the Christian bible and go to the book of Leviticus, the third book of the Torah (the Jewish part of all Christian bibles).

The following are excerpts from this book.

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. (NKJ, Leviticus 18:22)"

"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)"

These are taken from a version of the Christian bible that is translated into understandable texts by some guys with more degrees than Stephen Hawking. These directives to the believer were written in an age when a group of men were trying to establish religious control and dominance over a region. They claimed to be visited by angels and some even claimed that they were given commandments directly from God. OK, that's cool. Go ahead and believe that.

But in this day and age, here in the USA, we live under the cloak of the Constitution of the United States of America.  Particularly, the Bill of Rights. If you read that document thoroughly, you'll find that the Founding Fathers were a mixture of men with very different beliefs, backgrounds, and opinions. However, they all signed a document that supported freedom of speech, freedom from the establishment of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms.

Over the last 200 years, these rights have been tossed about and thousands of laws have been made in the States that support, twist, outright challenge, or totally ignore these Amendments to our Constitution. But we're not talking about a law here. We're also not talking about some verse written in a scroll 3,000 years ago. We're talking about personal preference, and we're talking about hate. On top of that, we're talking about Man telling Man what he can and cannot be, or what he can or cannot feel; the very reasons the Constitution was written in the first place.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 14, 2015


ISIL: The Deadly Threat?


Good morning, dear readers. I hope this finds you all having a great weekend and prosperity in your lives.

Today we'll look at ISIL, the evil terrorist organization that is plaguing the Middle East and taking up 4 minutes of the news each night.

The concept of this group is the formation of a new Islamic state with a Caliph (a Supreme Leader whose ancestry can be traced back to the prophet Mohammed) who will declare his state the only true one, and demand allegiance from all Muslims world wide.

Let's start by defining ISIL (it's an acronym).

After many little splinter groups got together and received some funding, the group formerly started calling itself ISI, then the Islamic State in Syria (ISIS).

As we've all seen and heard, the group quickly spread across Syria and started taking villages, towns, and now cities in parts of Iraq.

The group is now known as ISI, ISIL, or take your pick. There's no telling what words the Arabic translations are sometimes twisted into...for purposes of this discussion, dear reader, you can call them the Vector. I use that term because they are nothing but a tool used by big money profiteers that are and have been orchestrating a global agenda for two thousand years.

Not meaning to digress, let's go back to definitions and explanations.

The group then became ISIL (The Islamic State of Syria, Iraq, and the Levant). It claimed a Caliph ( and established a cabinet of leaders). Since that time, the group has had several leaders, two of whom got whacked by airstrikes or kids with wrist rockets (no one knows for sure, of course). Since then it name a new Caliph; it has named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the world wide Caliph, with not only traces back to Mohammed, but to Abraham. In rebel Islam's eyes, that makes the dude Darth Vader. But a holy and wise Darth Vader.

Then the group said "hey, we're "worldwide", so now we are the IS (Islamic State). So right here let's draw a line. This doesn't mean every Muslim in the world is now part of ISIS. Yes, I've heard some ignorant bastards say shit like that in the last few months. I have Muslim friends in the UK, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Canada, Turkey, and 4 of these here United States, and none of them are joining ISIL. You know why? Because they know what I know. It's a Vector. A means to an end. It would be like Bob Smith getting on the news tonight and saying, "hey bubbas, I'm Jesus Christ. Everyone's gotta go to my church now."

Muslims, Islamic States, and particularly Caliphs and Islamic theologians are calling ISIL's actions bullshit.

Now to educate you on that and explain my "theory" (it's not only mine, it's widely shared by many people).

The ideology behind calling this group ISIL in the first place means that they plan on establishing a full blown Islamic State (comparable to Iran or Saudi Arabia) that has Iraq, Syria, and the Levant as it's "base."

First let's define "Levant." This is the ancient area of the east Mediterranean Sea that includes Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. Uh-oh. WE didn't say Israel, did we?

Ok, so....that means that IS, or ISIL, plans on overthrowing the governments of powerful leaders like Bashar al Assad (Syria), Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel), and the six governorates of Lebanon, and declaring her little empire with vacation resorts in what was Israel.

Well, that's going to be a task. It's also going to draw allies from both sides to each party's cause, and it's a sure path to World War III.

As one of my favorite writers said, "World Wars change Worlds."

My friends, ISIL is currently funded (overtly or covertly) by at least 14 countries. That list includes the USA. Again, I hear ignorant people saying "no way we'd help them towel heads." Ok, keep thinking that. No one is saying that John Kerry loads a C-17 aircraft with rocket launchers and flies to the Caliph of ISIL's house and has cigars with him while the minions unload the goods, but if you think for a minute that weapons, ammunition, and intelligence that goes to hundreds of agencies worldwide isn't stolen, bartered, or outright donated to ISIL, think again.

If you watch C-SPAN, you'll know that Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel) just petitioned the US Congress to attack Iran and eliminate it as a threat to peace. This bold move was followed by senators and congressmen sending letters to the Iranian government (Which is treason, by the way. We are at war, remember?) telling them to ignore the Presidents' actions and do what they're told by them.

Actions similar to this, distorted truths, and outright ignorance led us to the last four wars. But this one isn't leading to skirmishes or fights that will stay contained. This will lead to World War III, exactly what is meant to happen for the establishment of a world government, a world army, a world currency, and the dawn of a new age. 


Jim Culp-2015

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