Monday, February 8, 2021


February 8, 2021

Sunday Game Review

By Jim Culp


I am not a Chiefs fan. In fact, I don’t even watch more than about ten NFL games a year. The whole thing is just cliché to me most of the time. It can also get monotonous when teams just seem to do that same old shit every year. Then they cry and moan because they don’t get into the playoffs.

I am a lifelong Steelers fan, and have been since about 1973. Back in those days (I know, ancient history) the game of professional football was rougher, less refereed, and there was way less technology. We watched games on black and white TV; and it wasn’t on 2, 4, 9, or 13, you weren’t gonna watch it unless you went to a rich kid’s house. Up to now, the Steelers are one of the few that have six Super-bowl wins, and I still like to watch them. However, they are a shadow of what they were twenty years ago.

Fast forward to now; the Chiefs have had a big re-start with new people. A kid like Patrick Mahomes (25 years old) taking a team to a Super-bowl his first year was unheard of, but he and the Chiefs did it in 2020. 

When last night’s game started, we watched for about half a quarter, and I said “they are going to have to play better than this, or they are gonna lose big time.”

Well, I am no Nostradamus, but here we are. The Chiefs lost big (36 – 9), and NFL “experts” had predicted that they would win 25 – 9. It was a crushing defeat, and here’s why according to me.

The Chiefs went into this with big heads. They didn’t have a strategy to contain Brady, and they sure as hell didn’t have the means to control Gronkowski. When the Buccaneers started scoring (as Tom Brady always does) the Chiefs’ defenders started playing “grab the hands” and “trip him up.”

This led to the Chiefs receiving 11 penalties that costed them 120 yards of the game. Some of those were at very critical times. Why am I so adamant about this? Because it’s the same thing the Steelers did when they had a big head and started losing. History doth repeat itself…not every time…but often.

Brady is a veteran football player, and a proven winner. He’s paid $25 million a year because of it. Do you like him? Maybe not…but you damn sure better respect his ability to win games. It’s like being a tanker in the desert and going up against Erwin Rommel. You might hate the bastard, but if you don’t respect his abilities… your tank is going to be a smoking pile of scrap before you can sing Glory Hallelujah.

Till next time,



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Friday, February 5, 2021


February 5, 2021


By Jim Culp


I listened to the Speaker of House’s speech yesterday; and to the President’s this morning. I fully agree with both that things need to happen quicker than they are. The economy is struggling because of COVID, and people need to get that second check to pay for whatever they need. My problem today was that the President openly admitted that large sums of money (out of the first package) went to people who are in the 10% wealthiest tax bracket. He’s the fourth President of the United States that has openly said this. SO WHY THE FUCK IS IT STILL HAPPENING? Is everyone ok with it? What the actual fuck, over? Check your Six. What are we doing?

Time to reinvent the system!! Bring back the gold and silver standard. Abolish the Federal Reserve System. Fire every politician that has been in public office (of any kind) for EIGHT YEARS. Create a vetting board of 12 or 20 low and middle income that get to question an incoming Senator or Representative before he can take office. 2/3rds of that board have to approve his acceptance.

Do you think this is crazy? Well, they used to call me Crazy Culp for a reason.

But compare it to what is happening today under our very noses?


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Monday, February 1, 2021



February 1, 2021


By Jim Culp


Do you ever wonder what has become of our country? Well, first…we put sports and glamour out in front. You know…ahead of good education, teaching children values, and making sure that elderly are properly cared for, especially in their later years. Religion became a real popular thing, and everyone flocked to join churches. No, not for salvation…for prestige and social standing. Most major cities have hundreds of churches, and they all operate 100% tax free.

I will use Kansas City, Missouri as a model. Kansas City, Missouri has a population of roughly 500,000 people. Do you know how many churches it has? At current count…508. Five Hundred and Eight Churches. That’s just on the Missouri side. Do you know how many of them have elderly care programs? 13 of them. Thirteen out of Five Hundred and Eight.

If you combine the churches in the Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, KS, the datum just gets that much closer to the brink of insanity.

There are roughly 205, 500 people living in the Kansas City Metro area, a combination of pieces of both states. Guess how many churches?

Here ye go…744. How many of these have elderly support programs? 23 of them. Twenty-three out of Seven Hundred and Forty-Four.

Sports and shootings in Kansas City take up over 35% of daily evening news programs, and critical problems in Elderly Homes take up about 2% of a week. Homeless issues take up about 4% of weekly TV, and the amount of unemployment takes up way less than that.

Do you every stop and consider that our society is moving in reverse? Do you ever stop and ask yourself “What the fuck are we doing?”

Don’t tell me what Jesus said. When you start acting like Jesus did, and doing what Jesus did; you can start the Jesus diatribe with me.

We, as a society, are in decline. We don’t give a fuck about anyone but ourselves, and it shows every day you go out in public.


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