Sunday, May 8, 2022

"Holy Father"


“Holy Father”

By Jim Culp

May 8, 2022


I read this morning that the “Holy Father” in Rome has blamed both the U.S. and NATO, as well as Russia and Ukraine for the war taking place.

OOOOKEE DOKEE. First of all, when did you become a military tactician? You’re not, Pope. You’re a figure that a bunch of week-minded people follow, because they believe you are the “Emissary of the Christ.” Whatever. Did you look into your crystal ball last night and come up with that shit? Give me a break dude. Wars are fought by soldiers…and they are trained in tactics and battle-field disciplines. Leave war to the generals on both sides. Do they tell you which lies to spread at mass? No, they don’t.

As for the “holy father” shit, you’re about as holy as a garter snake. You’re no holier that any other human being on the planet, and you’re failure to prosecute your priests for doing things to little boy’s butts is a great example. We won’t mention the billions of dollars that your institutions take in annually, yet you never see what they do with it. Order some more marble for the courtyards? Get everyone a new frock?

Last point: I am biblically educated. And here’s my point; I don’t believe in your religion, but I know more than the average schmuck. I believe it was in the New Testaments where the Christ that stated “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”

For your reference, that passage comes from Matthew 23:9.

Stick to your own crap, Pope…war is province of men.


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