“Things pass…Things carry on.”
By Jim Culp
February 16, 2023
Well, I had a dinner date today, but that was cancelled by
myself and the other party due to about a ½” of ice that is still holding her
ground against salt and brine trucks as I type (ha-ha…that’s funny, I never
learned to type; so I use a method called “pecking,” and I am up to 23-36 WPM,
so I am ok for my methodologies.
At the library a few days ago, I was printing out some certificates
for the people downtown who are handling my pension process. There was a group
of six boys and four girls…all about 15-16 years of age. It was only 1:00 pm,
so I wondered why they weren’t in school. Anyway, they were talking about jobs,
life, and parties. Pretty common stuff. But what perked my ears up were two of
the boys saying “if they want me to work, I’m $20 per hour, or you ain’t
getting shit out of me.”
“Wow,” I thought to myself. That kid must have some serious
skills. It wasn’t a few minutes later that another boy said “Man, they wouldn’t
even let you sweep the parking lot at Target.” The conversation was still going
when I left the library, but the final diagnosis was this. I don’t think that
kids (not all of them) want to work anymore. The art of cellphone and the crap
music that they like are the way of the Dodo to me. I imagine a time (and soon)
when all of those phones are going to get shut off, and half of a population won’t
be able to perform simple tasks.
Yesterday was the anniversary of my father’s death. He died
in 1969 of a massive myocardial infarction (a severe heart attack) at the age
of 42. I was 2 years old at the time, so I never really knew him. Rufus Thomas
Culp was a good man, a loving father, and a hard worker. He and Mom had two
daughters and five sons: myself being the youngest. Going back to the first
subject above, I always wondered what my Dad would think of kids these days and dare to say that he might just think a little like me.
I will quote one
short epitaph that my mother always like to say (her mother died when she was
43) and it is written in the King James bible. “Honour thy father and thy
mother; and…though shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
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