Friday, February 10, 2023

"Assault Weapons"


“Assault Weapons”

By Jim Culp

February 10, 2023


Here we go again. The gun grabbers have decided that they are going to “end all gun violence” by shutting down stores and other similar modes of absolute bullshit. Take a look at the photo attached to this post. That gun is an assault weapon. Back in my day, I could sit in my cupola aboard my M-1 Abrams and wipe out troop targets at 900 meters with it. I could shatter bricks and concrete with its powerful ammunition. When you fire a blast from the big gun, you immediately follow up with two machines guns to kill all the enemy troops that scattered after the big blast. Can you find this killer gun on the street? Possibly…and in Montana, probably likely. But unless you have a Class III license, and that is not easy to acquire these days. Machine guns are made for war, as Assault Rifles are as well. When you go to war as a soldier, you use any and all means at your disposal to defeat the enemy. Rest assured; he will do that same.

People in our government (and those in support of the ignorance it is perpetrating) are calling weapons “Assault Rifles” that nothing of the kind. I have an AR-15, and it is a fun weapon to shoot at ranges and competitions. It is unable to fire cartridges at more than one shot with each depression of the trigger. Can it be modified? Sure, it can. A person with enough knowledge, the right tools, and the patience can modify the weapon to fire automatically. But that is illegal, and once you do it, you’re a criminal and the ATF can wreck your life for good. When caught, you’re never going to own a gun again legally, and you are going to face fines, imprisonment, or both.

Moving forward, let me explain ignorance to you. Ignorance is defined as the “lack of knowledge and understanding.” If your ignorance causes me to lose my Amazon delivery for a day, there will be a little cursing on my part…but no real damage to me or my daily routine. Yes, I am inconvenienced, but no real harm comes to me. But if my firearms are taken from me because my captors are acting out of ignorance, they’ve done two major things. The first would be ignoring that my Second Amendment rights have been violated, and that I have they have illegally taken actions against me because they and their masters are ignorant. It’s as simple as that. The Gun Control Act of 1968 accomplished many things, but I am going to spell out only two for you. The first being that it made out a policy (then Law) that you could not have an automatic firearm of any type unless very special requirements for that. Along with that was explosives, grenades, and all kind of stuff in that category that soldiers were bringing back from the war in Vietnam. The second being that there would be a federal form you had to fill out, and that had to be checked and approved by the ATF before you took the weapon out of the seller’s store. In 1993, the instant background checks were added by the Clinton Administration, and very soon all of that paperwork would become digital.

Law abiding citizens living in the USA have come to grips with that, and the laws keep a large number of firearms from being illegally obtained. But what is happening now is that large numbers of people in our government want to take mine and your guns away…again; based on ignorance.

-Jim Culp

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