“Of Songs and Diatribe”
By Jim Culp
December 11, 2022
Way back in 1981, I wrote a
song that would sit in a box for many years. Years later, I read all my song
lyrics that night, and decided to put four of them on an album. As luck would
have it, I worked at a company called ACS, and many times that work took me to
Tacoma, Washington. Amid that large stretch of cities lied the massive bases of
Fort Lewis (Army) and Fort McChord (Air Force). I worked exclusively with Range
Control on Fort Lewis building their MOUT* sites. My team and I installed seven
of these sites, and then were tasked much later on to repaint many of them.
During this time, I met a great
guy named Mike Morrison. Mike was a hard worker, and a killer guitar player.
So, I asked him to play guitar on my coming CD. The record had four songs but
let me focus on one of them for the purposes of this article. The first song on
the CD was called “the Devil’s Blues…” which I had written in 1981 with my
trust Harmony guitar that I had received for Christmas the past year. “The
Devil’s Blues” was a parody about people blaming their problems and life’s
negative occurrences on an imaginary figure. This figure (or entity if you
like) was “the Devil,” or “Satan,” the father of lies and deceit. This
character was in many religions (most notably in Christianity and Islam) but in
some other also.
Anyway, the album was painstakingly
recorded and produced, and place on three music outlets: You Tube, iTunes, and
word of mouth. I gave it as a gift to a large number of people and sent a copy
to everyone in my immediate family; but that’s another subject you can read
about in my autobiography, due to publish in summer of 2023.
Time went by, and this record
had been on those two channels for eleven years. Great…right?
I get a notice from YouTube
last night, and it said they were removing it from that channel, because “it
might imply violence.”
Holy Shit on a Ritz cracker. I
am now complete… because I’ll heard it all now.
(* MOUT means “Military Operations
in Urban Terrain)
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