Lies, and More Lies III
By Jim Culp
December 6, 2022
Well, it seems that Big Don’s
hypocrisy and lies only go so far…but far enough to make me understand that he
is a brilliant money maker, world traveler, and bullshit artist all rolled into
one fat taco.
Let’s start with today’s news.
It seems that Big Don’s hypocrisy and lies know no bounds. I love the movie
where Val Kilmer played a famous gambler and gunfighter and used those very words
on his death bed.
Ex-President Trump is a con
artist. Well, there’s a million of those out there; but none of them are the former
President of these here United States.
Today the headlines read something
car less than the last two days where this stupid asshole talked about screwing
with the Constitution. First, I heartly laughed at this gesture on Big Don’s
part; but soon after became deeply concerned that this idiot is serious about it.
Now, today…this moron is being
thumped again because he “forgot” to include $19.8 Million dollars on his taxes
while he was the POTUS. Whoops! A little mistake on the Trumpster’s track
record. Can I tell you why he got caught? Carelessness…plain and simple. The
asshole thinks that he is above the law, and in many cases, he is probably
right. A friend at the library saw me writing this and started a short
political debate with me.
“Yeah man…but Joe Biden is a bleeding-heart
liberal that is way worse than Trump.”
“I know, and that is the problem.
We have to choose the lesser of two shitheads every single time we cast votes
for POTUS.”
“But Biden is a career
politician,” he said in disgust.
“You’re right Charlie, I
continued…” but that’s just as bad. Those idiots need to be voting for the right
way, not the parties wet dreams.”
We laughed it off. We’re both
old veterans that have seen more corruption in the military and civilian life,
it’s too much to take in. So, I headed home and continued this paper.
What do you think would happen
to you if you “forgot” $19.8 “thousand” on your tax return? I know…you’d pay it
back in a reasonable amount of time, or you’d soon be acquainted with Bubba the
gorilla wiener.
But none of these politicians
are going to jail or prison; they have so much on each other that no one is
going to throw the big book at them. Yeah, they set in forums and act like they
give a fuck, but they don’t.
Last thing, and I am done for
the day. I don’t care about political parties; I care about the people of the
United States of America, and my brother veterans that died for the cause of
It is now not a reason of who is
a Democrat or a Republican; it is a choice of a man or woman with conviction,
knowledge of the job he is doing, and acting in the interest of the people of
the USA.
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