“Sorry Mindy”
April 21, 2020
-By Jim Culp
I was told by a friend {yesterday morning} yesterday that she
was highly offended by my posts on Facebook, and very offended about the
content of my blog, as well as my novel.
“Wow!” I said. “I never knew I had such a fan. Thanks!”
I could see and feel her face turn red over the internet.
She told me that she was going to unfriend me. I told her to do
what she thinks is right.
She messaged me again, which I got over four hours later,
because I was at work and my shift had ended.
“Please try to see things my way…” she said.
I thought for a while as I drove home, then I replied thusly:
“Mindy, hope you and Dan are ok. I am well… and even working
again. It seems we have come to an impasse on this whole
politic/religion/opinion thing. Well, here is my take on that:
“I studied politics in college. But my real education is when I
sat in my tent in Iraq, my study in home, or my car waiting for VA appointments
in the years 2000 to 2013. Yes, 13 years. I studied the US Government from top
to bottom, and learned that over half of the teachings in textbooks were either
false or simply left out important facts…the events did not happen in the
manner they stated, or someone changed it at some point to keep their family
name out of the mix. I learned that (between 1929 and 1937) the government of
the United States accepted the idea of transparent currency and collected
99.87% of the gold in the United States. They performed a similar operation
with Silver, but it was far less valuable. The government then began heavier
use of the Federal Reserve System (that was started in 1913) using Federal
Reserve Notes in multiple denominations ($1.00 to $1,000) as currency. The
notes cost $.05 cents to make, because they are not worth the paper that they
are printed on, unless they are issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of the
United States.
I learned that “Electoral Colleges” were started in the last
1700’s when the population of the USA was about 2.5 million. This was meant to
do one thing, and one thing only. It was manufactured so that an election could
be rigged. It was not that easy until electronics came to play, but it sure is
now. It is my form belief that they last six elections were rigged, and they
were rigged for many reasons, which I am not going into now. Enough on politics
for now.
I was brought up a fundamental Baptist, as you know from our
many conversations over many beers and chips. You know how I was raised, but
for my readers (yeah, my letter to you is this week’s blog) I was raised in a
Christian household. I lost my Dad when I was 3, and my Mom remarried when I
was about 5. The new “Dad” was a heavy smoker, a recovering drinker, and a
railroad man of 33 years on the Santa Fe. He was a big dude, and it was “his
way, or the highway.” He and my Mom were undergoing spiritual reformations, and
decided to be not only abstinent, they were also going to take religion to
fanatical proportions. This led them to attend church three times a week, extra
meetings here and there, and “revivals” that were full weeks and such.
This led to the belief that we (the kids) needed to attend
private schools, where fanatical parents and teachers could preach their beliefs
to 40-90 kids at a time, giving them a purpose on God’s Earth.
As I grew older, I studied the King James Bible (one version of
many) and began dissecting the differences between the Old Testament and the
New Testament.
When I was alone at night in Iraq, I read many books, but the
ones worth mention here were the Quran, the Torah, The Keys of Solomon, and the
Book of Mormon. I talked to chaplains on a weekly basis about their faith and
beliefs, and some impressed me with their surety that God was their creator and
the master of the Universe. Others assured me that they were following the path
of Christianity because it kept their bills paid.
When I returned from Iraq in 2004, I studied further and
further. I read more books, and cross-indexed references from one book to another,
and religious tome to secular belief. What I found religion to be was a hoax
crafted by man to control man. It is been done for 10,000 years, and that is
just on our cycle of life here. Who knows how many lives of men have seen ages
of our planet? I stopped studying the whole thing when I went to the top of a
mountain (in my beloved New Mexico) and beseeched God to hear me out. I said
this: “God, if you’re up there, and you have a message to send to men, let me
be your messenger. I will devote my life to nothing else. Just let me know you
are real.” I stayed up there for two days in a semi-dry camp and waited for God
to give me an answer. He never did. I travelled back down the mountain, and
that was the last time I had anything to do with God {whether I did or not}.
When I tell people this, they tell me I am crazy, and need to
see a psychiatrist. “I already do,” is always my reply.
So, what is God? I do not have a clue, and I gave him his chance
to talk to me if he wanted to. So, I will wrap this up with that.
So, my dear Mindy…you can see why I do not believe in God or
gods anymore, and politics are nothing but corruption and bullshit to me.
Anyone that thinks that the USA is something today that the founding fathers envisioned
244 years ago…is as crazy as I am about Sofia Vergara’s bosom.
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