Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018
“Ban ALL Guns”

I just read a headline that says “Ban ALL GUNS!” Man, I’ve never heard that before.
Ok…let’s dismantle the Constitution and take away everyone’s firearms.
That will give us a peaceful country with NO SHOOTINGS.
Well, that was what Plato and Buddha had in mind, and that all sounds real chocolate pudding with whipped cream on top, but here’s the reality of that.
The only people that are going to surrender their firearms to anyone are liberal law-abiding citizens and conservative law abiding citizens that want to follow their pastor’s or their elected officials advice.
That’s going to account for the registered and legal firearms of the country, and that will leave about half of the firearms left in private possession still out there. So let’s break that down.
Half of that number will be guns like my old .22 and my bolt action 12 gauge, both legal, just not registered.
They’ll still be there, but I never busted those out and shot innocent people with them in the first place. To be honest, I’ve owned six AR-15’s in my life, and never shot anything but range targets with them.
In 2006, I sold a collection of 40 military rifles in calibers from .223 to 7.62X54R…none of which were ever used to murder anyone.
I’ve owned at least 50 different handguns in my life, and carried .357’s, .45’s and 9mm’s in military service and security work, but never took one into a honky-tonk and opened fire because I was pissed off at Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Sanders for some off-topic bullshit.
So here we’d be…half of the USA disarmed. Great. Crime would triple or quadruple. Deer would be so thick you’d need to run dozers over the interstates every morning before traffic could move. Women wouldn’t walk anywhere- unless they wanted to be raped or captured and sold. No one would be safe, because the police couldn’t dream of holding back the waves of criminals that would flood our streets and cities.
Guess why? Those criminals never turned their guns in. They didn’t buy their tricked-out AK’s or 9mm UZI’s at Walmart or Gun Shows. They appropriated them by way less than legal means.
The government would, in desperation, declare martial law, roll out the Marines and the Apaches, and kill all the bad guys. Absolutely chaos would ensue, and our country would be ripe for invasion, which China and Russia would gladly take advantage of. Take a bite out of that apple, comrade.
The Founding Fathers knew this kind of stuff; and put the Second Amendment in the US Constitution for that reason.
I’m really sorry about the people that died in Thousand Oaks this week. RIP to the families. But don’t…I repeat…DO NOT…be naïve enough to think that firearm confiscation is going to solve the problem of a Marine with PTSD wasn’t properly cared for, or an idiot that hates Black people deciding to shoot them in church. It won’t.

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