January 22, 2018
Today marks a special anniversary for me. 33 years ago
today, I enlisted into the U.S. Army. I was 18, and being told I had two more
years of high school, I was ready to do something different. I'll never forget
the look on my parent's faces when I told them. I was my Mother's baby, and
that meant our house would be pretty empty for the years to come. Sure, the
grandkids would come and visit, but things just wouldn't be the same.
My Army career consisted of eight and a half years in the
active Army, eight years in the National Guard, and six years in the Army
Reserve. I held four Military Specialties, served as a Combat Arms Instructor
at KSRTI, and always served in a position one level above my rank. I endured
three major peacetime deployments, and served in two wars. In 2007, I retired
at the rank of Sergeant First Class. Thanks to all of those that made that path a little brighter, and some of the hardest times a little easier.
me on twitter--- Jim Culp@gmjim13
Follow my blog--- http://jimculp.blogspot.com
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