Monday, January 1, 2018

January 1, 2018

It's a bone chilling -4˚F as I look out over the frozen yards of my neighborhood this morning. It is a New Year, and that means new things.
For me, I'll keep working and writing songs. I'll be busy just keeping my fingers nimble enough to play the guitar. Life will go on, and I hope the New Year will bring me more completion as a person.
For all of you that are my friends and relatives, I wish you a prosperous New Year. Just remember that "prosperous" doesn't always mean more money in the savings account or the 410k. Sometimes it means that you just grew as a human being during a time, and that means more than any stock, credit increase, or new car could ever hope to mean. To my readers, gamers, and blog followers, get ready for more of the same and some new and very different stuff. This year will bring my next science fiction novel, and soon after that, my first non-fiction book. I'll continue writing RPG's; my gamers are anxiously awaiting more of the 10th Millennium®.
Whatever you do, and wherever you go, find time to enjoy life. As you trudge along that winding road of reaching retirement, don't ever lose track of one of life's most important paths... that one of the pursuit of happiness.  
HAPPY NEW YEAR, and may you and your families enjoy the blessings of the universe for years to come.





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