Friday, October 6, 2017

Wake up...

When morality and brotherly love fails in a society, there is nothing left but the opposites, which are perversion and hate. When perversion of a decent society trumps all else, there is nothing to stop children from becoming the subjects of their nightmares. We as a society are waking up to see that very thing become reality in our own time. So when you wonder why children of today are disobedient, maybe you should look at the fact that Smart-Phones and X-Boxes are raising your children in your stead.
When a society begins to believe that an unarmed populace is unconditionally safe because the government they elected will protect them, they are doomed to the same fate as many societies that preceded them.
When a society of people believes that choosing one evil over the other is making the right decision, they are doomed to do so time after time. There is no such thing as a politician in Washington, DC being fit to be the President of the United States anymore.
Because we have accepted what I talked about in the first paragraph of this paper.
We've accepted lying, cheating, and long as there is an apology afterwards.
We've accepted stories that are absolutely myth, regarded as truth; that will be recorded and taught as history to our grandchildren.

Wake up.

Your destiny belongs to you, and no one else.

-Jim Culp, 2017


1 comment:

  1. I've often opined that anyone who wants to be POTUS isn't qualified.
