Monday, October 2, 2017

My most sincere condolences go out to the families of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting. I hope they can all deal with their losses and that their dead rest in peace always.
I keep hearing people say that “these shootings are getting more and more common,” and “they create mass hysteria.”
Yes, they are and do. But these shootings are part of a plan, and that plan is to declare a state of martial law, and disarm the public. These shootings, just like all of these bombings; are nothing but tools created to take away your freedom, and bring the United States, Mexico, and Canada under a centralized government where only police officers and soldiers will possess firearms, and only the extremely wealthy of our populace will enjoy the rights of the Constitution.
Will that happen tomorrow, or in 2050? I don’t know. But it will happen.
I’ve said all that to say this.
When it does happen, don’t come to me and say you weren’t warned, because I am warning you right now.
 -Jim Culp, 2017


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