Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29, 2016

"Three Strikes, and You're Out"

-By Jim Culp

Some people are "happily married". I wholeheartedly say that

that description fits you, I say "amen, pass the mashed 'taters."

But for me, my marriages were just way too one sided for me.

I liken them to my years of worshipping Christian gods that

never once talked to me, answered a prayer, or showed me a

sign that I could possibly define as one.

My marriages were best defined as nightmares that I couldn't wake from.

They were all full of challenges that I couldn't possibly overcome,

and full of kinfolks or ex-husbands on her side that I had to be measured against.

Well, today marks the end of that nightmare.

One of my rock and roll idols, the great Alice Cooper, asked on

Facebook a day or so ago if anyone had ever witnessed a real vampire.

I replied that I have; I was married to three of them.

The last one took so much blood that I needed a transfusion.

Lastly, I have always championed the use of the baseball metaphor of

"three strikes, and you are out." I think that should apply to lots of things

in life. Like repeat criminals, going back on your word, and not paying someone

money you owe them.

I am happy to apply it to marriage.

Three's it for me. I'm out of the game.


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