Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11, 2016


Fifteen years ago, the world was shocked as we watched TV and saw footage of two jet airliners crashing into Towers One and Two of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York.

We were all immediately outraged, and very hungry for revenge.

It seems that a group of terrorists (radical Muslims) perpetrated this insane act of cowardice and mass murder.

For the next fifteen years, up to the time I am typing this article, I have researched, read thousands of documents, and talked to hundreds of people about this subject.

I know people that worked in NORAD that day. I know people that worked in the Pentagon that day. When I was on vacation in Cancun in 2006, I met a guy named Kenny, who was an electrician on Tower Number Two. He had left the building that morning after a night shift, and was headed home after breakfast when the planes hit.

In an event such as this, as always, there are hundreds of "Conspiracy Theories" about the event. But it's real damn funny, no, it's actually genuinely fucked up, that these "Conspiracy Theories" turn out years later to be the truth.

In 2007, I sent out letters to many agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, and the President of the United States, asking the questions that I outline below.

I never received a single answer.

And before I go on, let me say this as emphatically as I possibly can: I am not, nor have I ever, taking one bit of piss out of the people who lost lives in that event. My heart goes out to their families, and I wish them all the happiness from here on in their lives. Their losses were all too real, and tehy are the primary reason that I have spent 15 years chasing the truth behind these events.

So here are my questions. If you, blog or Facebook reader, can answer them, I'd love to hear from you.

1. Why, exactly, did Building Seven fall?

2. Why, if jet fuel was the cause of collapse, the towers fall at free fall speed (3-4 floors per  second?)?

3. Why, exactly, did everyone in the Bush administration lie about these events?

4. Please, if you can, show me a document or photograph that links Osama Bin laden to the 911 attacks.

5. Please, if you can, show me a document that links Al Quaeda or the Taliban to the 911 attacks.

6. Please show me a document and photographs of a jetliner crashing or flying into the Pentagon.

7. Please show me a plane crash site of a jetliner in Shanksville, Pennsylvania?

8. Please tell me why the exposed columns of the tower buildings have demolition 45 angle design cuts on them made by detonation cord?

9. Please tell me why there was active thermite in the wreckage of the towers three to five weeks after the event?

10. Please tell me why George Bush Jr. and Richard Cheney were not questioned under oath by an independent panel, instead of a private interview with the 9-11 Commission where THEY dictated the parameters of the meeting?

11. Finally, please tell me why a man that was an electrician saw wiring that morning in the basements of those towers, wiring that he'd never seen before, after working in that building for 18 years?

One last comment. For all you smartasses out there. I AM a demolition expert; trained and tested. I understand explosives, and I understand the dynamics of aircraft.

Scientists at Brigham Young University gave me many answers to these questions. But I would certainly like to hear yours.


Jim Culp, 2016

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