Saturday, August 22, 2020


“The Herald of Woe”

August 22, 2020


It’s been awhile since I wrote in my blog. I apologize to all of my readers. I’ve just been busy with life.

It is exceedingly insane to me how leaders in our country are thinking right now. The masks that we are wearing in public are a pain in the ass…I get it. But they can literally mean the difference between life and death. People who are fighting this are ignorant and need to be educated; forcefully if needed. So why are so many morons opposing this? You only have to look at the decisions that local “leaders” are making.

So what is the first thing you do in a pandemic?

You eliminate ALL unnecessary outings. That means ANYWHERE people are in close contact with one another. So what things are unnecessary? Here’s my list:

Baseball Games

Football Games

Soccer Games

Wrestling Matches

Karate Tournaments







I am relatively sure you get my meaning. These things are not necessary. The next list is things that I believe can be argued, but distancing (at least 15 feet) MUST be followed:

Gyms (we all need cardio, especially me)

School (if common sense, not money; is the rule of law)

Critical Health Care appointments

Emergency Operations (this does NOT include changing the name of street signs or tearing down statues or monuments)

Executions (which, in my opinion, need to start happening if ANYONE has been in prison more than five years on a second conviction)

List too long? OK, but it’s mine; and fat old men’s opinions matter. Wake up USA.

Our time to shine is now. STOP letting money be our guiding force. START listening to science. STOP following religions that are based on MONEY. START making the USA a better place for everyone. How do you do that? Stop blindly following “leaders” that couldn’t lead a fox to a hen house.



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