Monday, November 18, 2019

“In the name… of God?” Part II
November 18, 2019
By Jim Culp

It is a time in our country when, once again, people take sides. There are Democrats, Plutocrats, Socialists, Republicans, Evangelicals, and combinations of two or more of those. I believe in our day and time that we deal with the plague of ignorance more than any other problem. In 2016, something happened that I never imagined would. Donald J. Trump became President of the United States. It was a time of absolute bewilderment for me, because this guy is a billionaire; and knows absolutely nothing of politics or governing a country. He’s spent his life acquiring properties, making deals, and living in absolute luxury.
In 2017, it was amazing to me that so many “spiritual leaders” and “people of God” were so supportive of a man with Donald Trump’s track record. He’s never been a man of ideals, except his own. He’s never been a man that any woman could trust; and is presently married to an ex-call girl. He should have been publicly denounced when he was running for POTUS after he was caught on tape saying, “you can do anything you want with these girls…grab ‘em by the pussy; anything.”
But all of that aside, it is the evangelicals that are killing me nowadays. They say that Trump has been sent by God to be our King, and that God is with him. Enter Paula White. This gal is married to the keyboardist of one of my favorite rock and roll bands, Journey. Jonathan Cain has been playing awesome music most of his life and has always had my respect as a member of Journey and Bad English.
Paula White is a non-denominational Christian who is presently holds the position of Donald Trump’s Spiritual Advisor and special adviser to the Faith and Opportunity Initiative at the Office of Public Liaison. What a title. I’m not sure if Paula has performed some of the same services as Stormy Daniels did, but I know this. She does the same kind of bullshit that our old minister did back in New Mexico (see Part I). She frequently tells her audiences that if they don’t send money to President Trump and herself, God is going to reprimand them in some way. She also claims to have the gift of “speaking in tongues.”
Well, let me tell you something… I’ve visited more than fifteen countries in my life, and not one of them would have a clue what you were saying if you showed up and said “Maga maga shikira-maga-poo!” If you weren’t arrested and jailed, you’d at least be taken to the police department for mental evaluation. I’ve enclosed a video where this goofy bitch shows you her gift. Give me a fucking break.
It is not, mind you; that I mind this woman doing this. It’s comical. It’s also not that I mind fanatics like Pat Robertson and Joyce Meyer spouting off their ridiculous nonsense to people every day. We must have someone to refer to when we need to define “radical fanatics.”
What I do mind, however; is the President of the United States not condemning people for comparing him to a deity. He loves it, and probably thinks that he is one. No, Trumpet, you’re not. You’re just another rich boy that rigged an election and got into the White House.
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