Saturday, March 16, 2019

March 16, 2019

Yesterday, several hundred worshippers gathered at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Their Friday call to prayer was sadly interrupted with gunfire, and when it was all over…49 persons lay dead and at least 48 others wounded. The men who perpetrated the shootings were anti-Islamic activists; one even provided his manifesto to the public just after the shooting.
It is with deep sorrow that the people of Christchurch endured this kind of insane hatred and perpetration of two coward’s final solution to what they consider a problem.
If I could speak to them, I’d tell them that Muslims, Christians, Jews, or Buddhists have been praying in temples for thousands of years. Why in the name of God would you want to attack them? First, you have no honor. A warrior doesn’t attack helpless victims…he attacks other warriors. When you attack a helpless group of people that are peacefully praying in their temple, you are have done nothing but branded yourself a pitiful coward that deserves a severe punishment.
If I could speak to politicians and religious leaders around the globe, I’d tell them to stop propagandizing a message of hate in your speeches. When you do this, you fuel mindless thugs like these to do what was done yesterday. You therefore become the minister of hatred, and your hate is consumed and repeated by weak minded punks that don’t have anything better to do than attack old men, women, and children while they pray to their gods in peaceful assembly.

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