Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28, 2018

"A Cry for Seizure"

-By Jim Culp

I saw this ludicrous article posted on Facebook today. It's like pulling an old VHS tape out of a drawer and watching a movie that's I've seen a hundred times.

"14 day waiting periods"

"No sales at Gun Shows"

"No sales by private owners"

"10 rounds magazine limit"

"No bump stocks"

"No cranks"

"Licenses for all arms"

"Child locks requirements"

"Minimum age of purchase at 21"

"Assault Rifle Ban"

"Universal Background Check"

"Domestic Violence Ban"

This is the same bullshit they wanted to do in 1994. But it doesn't stop criminals from obtaining guns, because criminals don't obtain guns legally. Also, an Assault Rifle is an automatic rifle. AR-15's are not automatic rifles. Lastly, 14 day waiting periods were exercised under the Brady Bill. They accomplished one thing and one thing only: they made law abiding citizens wait 14 days for their gun purchases. The Domestic Violence addendum to gun purchase on ATF forms has been in place since the mid-90's. Automatic firearms, machines guns, grenades, and rocket launchers have been illegal for a private citizen to own (without a special clearance and license) since the Gun Control Act of 1968.
I'm not sure when people are going to wake the fuck up and realize that thugs, gangs, and habitual drug users are the problem in the USA, and not firearms. There will also never be any change until they stop crime rings from operating inside prisons. The Second Amendment was written and placed in our Constitution for the very reasons/events that are happening today.
The Government that you allow to abolish the Second Amendment is going to the same one that one day will deny you the First, then all the rest in turn. When you remove a gun from a free man's hands, you take away a big part of his Liberty. You know... the thing that the founding of our nation was built upon?

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