May 24th, 2017
1. "like
to question authority."
I frequently
question "authority" when it has been wrongfully misplaced into a
person that just doesn't get what leadership is all about.
If I don't
point things out that are obviously fucked up, I'm just a guy that "rolls
with the flow." Ain't me.
3. "Tell
it like it is"
If you're
fucked up, I'm gonna tell you you're fucked up. Simple math.
4. "Speak
my mind."
Who the fuck
else's mind would I speak?
I simply tell
the truth. If you can't handle the truth, maybe it is time you look at
things a
little differently. Maybe it's time you unlearn the bullshit that you think is
the truth.
Just because I
believe that "god" or "God" is something beside what you believe
he/she/it is, does not make me an atheist. My "god" is just as real
to me as yours is to you.
An agnostic
believes that God is unknowable. I don't believe that. I just don't think that
God takes attendance, demands money, or appoints a guy in a golden castle as
his emissary.
8. I am a
Nope. Nor am I
a Conservative, a Democrat, or a Republican. I absolutely refuse to be
cataloged into your bullshit categories. I am a free man. When I cease to be
that, I will no longer live by the rules of society.
Are you
fucking serious? Ok, you might have me on that one.
-Jim Culp,
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