Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017


Memorial Day


 At the end of the American Civil War, 600,000 soldiers lay dead.

At the end of the Indian Wars, 1540-1924, an unknown amount of Native Americans were dead; over 50% from genocide.

At the end of World War I, 70 Million persons lay dead.

At the end of World War II, 72 Million persons lay dead.

At the end of the Korean Conflict, almost 2 Million dead.

At the of the Vietnam conflict, over 4 million lay dead.

At the end of the Persian Gulf War, 4,000 to an unknown and un-cataloged amount of persons died.

At the end of the Iraq War (2003), over a million dead.

The Afghanistan War, still ongoing, has claimed over 27,000 (documented) persons.


Let's let that sink in.

War is never a solution; it is a tragedy that sometimes is inevitable.


The following is a list of soldiers that have left us far too early, and were under my direct charge.

Gregory Sledd

Specialist/ Driver

Company D, 635th Armor (MBT)


Michael Walmsley

Squad Leader

Company E, 1st Engineer Battalion (Float Bridge)

Served with me in Operation Desert Storm

December 1990 to May 1991

Defense of Saudi Arabia/ Liberation of Kuwait


William J Blake

Section Sergeant

378th Highway Regulation Team (MC)

Served with me in Operation Iraqi Freedom

February 2003 to May 2004

Invasion of Iraq/ Occupation of Forward Areas

RIP my brothers. The rest of us are coming.


James M Culp



Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 24th, 2017

 I was told recently that I:

1. "like to question authority."


I frequently question "authority" when it has been wrongfully misplaced into a person that just doesn't get what leadership is all about.

 2. "point out things that need not be pointed out."


If I don't point things out that are obviously fucked up, I'm just a guy that "rolls with the flow." Ain't me.

3. "Tell it like it is"


If you're fucked up, I'm gonna tell you you're fucked up. Simple math.

4. "Speak my mind."


Who the fuck else's mind would I speak?

 5. "Keep spouting off 'Conspiracy Theories'".


I simply tell the truth. If you can't handle the truth, maybe it is time you look at

things a little differently. Maybe it's time you unlearn the bullshit that you think is the truth.

 6. Am an Atheist.


Just because I believe that "god" or "God" is something beside what you believe he/she/it is, does not make me an atheist. My "god" is just as real to me as yours is to you.

 7. Am an Agnostic


An agnostic believes that God is unknowable. I don't believe that. I just don't think that God takes attendance, demands money, or appoints a guy in a golden castle as his emissary.

8. I am a Liberal.


Nope. Nor am I a Conservative, a Democrat, or a Republican. I absolutely refuse to be cataloged into your bullshit categories. I am a free man. When I cease to be that, I will no longer live by the rules of society.

 9. I say "Fuck" too much.

Are you fucking serious? Ok, you might have me on that one.


-Jim Culp, 2017