Monday, February 8, 2016

It's 2016.

I am not quite sure how this whole concept of work and pay got so fucked up, but let me attempt to un-fuck it in a short rant.

A man operates a machine that processes packaging of a product.

It isn't an overly complicate machine, but the operator needs to be awake, competent, mechanically minded, and willing to stand and bend for eight hours at a stretch.

You decide to pay this person nine dollars ($9 USD) per hour. He gladly accepts the wage and hours, and in one week, excels at the operation of this machine, and has perfect attendance, goal adherence, and overall employee attitude.

One month goes by. Your company makes fifty thousand dollars ($50,000 USD) from this man's efforts, minus his wages, materials, and so forth.

The man, after Uncle Sam's raping and his beloved State's ass fucking, makes a whopping eleven hundred dollars ($1,100.00 USD) that month.

After about another week, you ask that same man, a dedicated employee as of now, to be the lead person on three other persons running similar machines, and bear the burden of answering questions of operation, production, and operator errors for the next month.

He accepts this duty, with no request of raise in wages or advancement, and continues on like things are okey-dokey.

You offer this man no raise in wages, no benefits to "sweeten the pot" of his position, and even dock him twice for being late two minutes late from lunch.

He doesn't complain and drives on. He has about thirty dollars ($30.00 USD) a week left over after bills (not luxuries).

Some say that man is a good trooper, a man with the American spirit, a real good joe.

I say that man is a slave to a fucking overlord that needs to be overthrown; but I'm probably just an asshole.


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