Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Belief, Fact, and Fiction.

Lately there seems to be a contradiction in terms.
Let me explain.
Some things are facts, some are beliefs, some are just plain old fiction.
An example of a "View" or a "Belief" is that many of my friends and relatives, as well as a large population of the Earth believe that a god created the Earth, the other planets, man, and cute little puppies.
Great. The First Amendment says you can do that, and no action can be taken against you unless you try and force it on others, or make it the law of the land.

 An example of a Fact is that Yellow Baboons are found in South-Central and Eastern Africa. This is proven because many researchers and biologists have spent hours studying them and documenting the information. There's no need for a government to approve or certify this action, but a department of some sort of said government certifies it in some way, and it is widely accepted as truth with a lot of documentation to back it up.
People can go out and tell people in private and public all they want about those baboons and, as long as they do it peacefully, the First Amendment says that is ok.

An Example of Plain Old Fiction is pulling something out of your ass and trying to make it the law of the land. People get scared because idiots do stupid shit. That's human nature. People fear two things the most; things that threaten their livelihood, and things they don't or cant understand. Idiots grab a gun, and shoot people. Politicians and Ass-Wipes from every corner of the country immediately claim that taking all the guns out of the hands of the populace would cure that right away. That's the first fiction. It's also against the Constitution. Amendment Two states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." It was so important that the Founding Fathers placed it number two right under speech and religious freedom. The second fiction I speak of here is that people still believe that this right can be voted away and that the USA will still be the same country. It wouldn't be. The USA would at that point become a totalitarian state. Patriots like me (no, not the "patriots" that just do whatever their told, those are sheep) would fight the government down to the last knife or club, and die rather than succumb to life without any freedom. This is not my View, or my Belief. It is Fact.


Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015

“One Nation under God”


-By Jim Culp


I am responding to all of the online posts about “One Nation under God.”

Here’s an easy fact to counter that slogan.

This is not meant as a bash on any religion, because you are free to worship however you please under the First Amendment to the US Constitution…

However, if one insists that “we are One Nation under God”, he/she would need to define first who or what “God” is.

I know many would say immediately that they are talking about God, Jehovah; the God of the Christian bible.

OK, well, let’s take a look at that.

According to Wikipedia, here’s the statistics: “Protestant (37%) Catholic (23%) None (16%) Other Christian (10%) Other (6%) No answer (4%) Mormon (2%) and Jewish (2%)”.

So, even though they can’t agree with each other, 72% of our population calls themselves Christians. (these statistics will vary depending on where you look)

But wait a minute…the First Amendment is clear about religion. It states:

“Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Uh-oh. I do believe we have a contradiction in terms here. The idea of “God” is one borne out of religious practice. If you don’t want to define your God as “religion”, that’s cool, but the Constitution does.

The slogan “One Nation Under God” appears many places, but the one place that is appears Legal Tender is on coinage and Federal Reserve Notes.

So, when our government decided in 1913 to implement the Federal Reserve in place of actual banks handling currency, it started printing “In God We Trust” on coins and paper notes.

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is in direct contrast with the Constitution of the United States of America.

It’s perfectly ok with me if you want to have slogans for you and your household. But do not try to place a religious label on me or my family. “One Nation Under God”, as defined by the American Christians of today, means that I’m under the yoke of your religion. To that I say nay. I am not a member or supporter of your beliefs or your religion, and as a citizen of the USA, do not wish to be counted as such.

The Constitution of the United States says I have that right, and just like the Second Amendment allows me to OWN AND CARRY firearms, the First Amendment protects me from becoming a slave to a tyrannical theocracy.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 5, 2015


Let’s Deal with the Important Stuff First


By Jim Culp


In recent weeks, I have listened and watched as issues of our society unfold in so many ways these days. I’m currently watching some news casts about the presidential candidates and their intended platforms.

I hear the Republicans pushing the same issues about needing a wall across the Mexico border, and Democrats pushing the same issues about gay rights and regulating spending. All these being relevant issues that must be dealt with, no doubt.

What I don’t hear, or hear enough about, are these issues:

  • Actually setting term limits for “career politicians”
  • Bringing people in our government to justice for crimes
  • Someone actually telling the truth about 9/11
  • Keeping the Constitution from becoming an irrelevant document
  • Actually addressing Race issues instead of fueling the fire with rhetoric
  • Serious discussion (and action) about rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure
    So, on the jackass side, we’ve got pretty limited choices. Oh, there are 92 candidates right now, but to even think you’re going to be a true hopeful, you’re going to have to raise more money than Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders is running on the jackass ticket, and has some damn good points, but it’s just unlikely that he can challenge Hillary and win. Hillary Clinton has a net worth of 22 million, but she and Bill’s combined net worth is close to 80 million.
    On the Fat Rich Elephant side, we’ve got roughly 135 candidates as of today, and of course to be a real candidate in the Grand Old Party, you’ve got to have some pretty big piles of Grand Old Dead Presidents. Donald Trump has a net worth of 4 billion. Jeb Bush has a net worth of 22 million. You’d automatically assume that Don is the Trump card in this race, which he can be if he keeps his mouth at bay and runs a tight ship.
    Jeb has the backing of the Bush family, which means political funding and support from every angle you can imagine.
    Now there are many other parties, Libertarian, Green Party, Bubba Party, and whogivesafuck parties on the list, but the fact is, nobody in these parties can get enough electoral votes (which are gained by throwing a lot of money at the candidate) to even think of becoming serious nominees.
    So back to our topic. Are any of these men/women going to deal with the real issues that most Americans are pissed off about? I’m going to name my issues, and give you my answers. Maybe you’ll want me to run for President.
    Item number one:
    I can’t find a single person, other than a politician, who doesn’t agree that we need term limits for Senators and Representatives.
    Some of these people have been in those chairs for 30 or sometimes 40 years.
    Some real examples? Bob Dole was in Congress for 35 years.
    Chuck Schumer has been in Congress for 35 years.
    Ted Kennedy was in Congress for 46 years. The list goes on and on.
    There’s no way we’re going to ever usher in an era of better thinking when we keep the same old dead weight in that big rotunda.  
    Item Number Two:
    Crimes against the American people unanswered.
    I can write a 20 page essay on this shit.
    So I’ll keep it brief. I’m just going to place the name(s), then the crime they are charged with by me, a tax paying American citizen in a Democracy.
    Hillary Clinton: Benghazi
    Dick Cheney: Halliburton
    George Bush Jr.: Grand Perjury
    Dick Cheney: Grand Perjury
    Bush/Cheney Administration: Grand Perjury
    Bush/Cheney: War Crimes and the illegal invasion of two countries
    These are just a few. We all know these people are scum sucking liars that got away with murder. Why the fuck are they still free people?
    Item Number Three:
    The anniversary of one of the greatest atrocities ever committed and covered up by a government will soon be upon us. Everyone will talk about it for a day; then it will be forgotten for another year.
    The problem is: truthful answers have NEVER been given about how these events occurred, why the investigations were covered up, and why hundreds of people were given hush orders by the FBI and CIA.
    Thousands of hours and millions of pages of research have been conducted on this event and subsequent events, and proven to be a staged plot for a bigger purpose.
    When are Americans going to wake up and demand that this issue be resolved?
    When will the people who lied on national television night after night be brought to justice?
    Item Number Four:
    The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights became the law of our land in 1789. This document was written for the people of our country never to be subject to three major things: Tyrannical Rule, Unfair Taxation, and Religious Persecution. ALL of these items are in question as I write this article on September 5, 2015. Presidents make rulings like Kings. The American people are taxed so heavily that working anything over 50 hours is a freebie to the government. Citizens, as well as lawmakers, are trying every day to turn this Democracy into a Theocracy, something which was so important to the framers of the Constitution, that they made it the First Amendment to the document. Right after that, they recognized that for a country to hold its values and properties relevant, it had to reserve the sovereign right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. This was the Second Amendment.
    So right away the Founding Fathers saw that a citizen’s personal rights, and his legitimate right to defend them, were the highest priorities to the success of a free nation. It seems every day in this country; these two things are being slowly taken away bit by bit. You’ve heard me refer to George Orwell’s book “1984” before. Look at our country today and tell me that isn’t where we are headed.
    Item Number Five:
    Racism among our citizens keeps getting fueled every time one turns his head.
    From L.A. to Ferguson, from Tijuana to Juarez, from Chicago to Portland, it’s always something. The truth is, this nation was founded on the concept of being a great melting pot. Teddy Roosevelt once wrote that “once you’re an American, you’re just that, an American. You’re not an African American, a Mexican American, or anything of the sort; you’re an American. To call yourself anything else is to not be an American.”
    Teddy had a way of NOT beating around the bush, and so do I.
    If you want to be an American citizen, some to this country legally and do what thousands before you did, including my great grandfather’s parents. They came to King’s Mountain, North Carolina in 1793 and worked their asses off and became legal American citizens. They and all their neighbors were Scottish and Irish, and proud of it, but they didn’t try to make the USA Ireland or Scotland. If you want to come to this country and start some little country within the United States that has its own laws, you need to be shot for treason. These days all you hear is “black this” and “black that”.
    Again, if you’re not a racist, why the fuck does everything need to have “black” in front of it. I know you’re black. I know my forefathers had slaves. But I don’t, never approved of such, and we are here, today. All I want to do with you is coexist in a peaceful manner. But we can’t do that if you teach your children racial hatred. Let’s work together to get that ideal out of America.
    Item Number Six:
    In the past 6 months, I’ve driven about 3,940 miles around and across this great nation of ours. This journey has taken me across 16 states, and untold numbers of bridges and highways. Some of the highways and interstates that I have travelled are in pretty fair shape, but sadly over fifty percent of them are not fit to drive a herd of camels over.
    Bridges are in horrible shape, and highways are repaired or over-laid in “band-aid” fashion, just to the point that they are acceptable.
    The interstate system was a pioneered idea of Dwight Eisenhower, but a serious rip-off of the German Autobahn systems, which were (are) a system of getting somewhere fast because you can travel at fast speeds.
    Our interstate system has become anything but that. It’s crumbling as fast as it can be band-aided.
    Improvement of our failing infrastructure needs to be one of the next President’s highest priorities.
    Yes, I’ve left out Clean Energy and several other topics.
    Stay tuned.
    I’m closing today with one parting thought. I’m sick at the thought of what America has become. I wonder what kind of USA our grandkids will live in. Sometimes I really shudder to the fact that we are on a road to decay and decline, much as the Roman Empire did two thousand years ago. We need to INSIST upon better leaders, get corruption out of government, and make America strong again.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Label of Religion…


-By Jim Culp


Good evening readers.

As I write this, I am in the great state of Kentucky.

I’ve listened (and watched) news all day, and heard and seen all the rhetoric about Islamic Extremism and gun violence ripping the world apart.

Let’s visit religion first.

This article is not directed at persons that practice spiritualism; that I something that comes from within, not from “above” or “below”.

I direct this commentary at Religion….yes, Religion….the bane of our existence as human beings on this planet.

And rather than start with 3300 BC and come up to 2015, I’ll start where I know my readers are now. So here we go….

Islam is a religion, not a people.

Christianity is a religion, not a people.

Buddism is a religion, not a people.

Satanism is a religion, not a people.

Druidism is a religion, not a people.

Wicca is a religion, not a people.

ISRAEL is a religion, AND a people….but I digress…

I think you get the train of thought….

So when ignorant mother fuckers are talking about the “war on Islam”, they are talking about a war on over one and a half billion people, in over 45 countries, that are no more militants and extremists than my daughter’s cat is.

When Islamic extremists…not all Muslims….. talk about “Jihad on Christianity”, they are doing the same.

When….when will people understand that these religions are man’s creations? When…when will people understand that BILLIONS of people adhere to these religions in various degrees of practice, and that under 2% of these religions are “extremists?”

I’ve listened to this fucking bullshit longer than I can possibly care to, and am way past the point of caring who the fuck I offend! 



Wait…let’s define that too.

GOD is known by many names….Jehovah, Elohim, Allah, Zeus, Odin, and hundreds of others. Throughout history each and every man, woman, and child of faith reveres that name of “god” just as reverent as you might do these days….

People walking around saying “that ole boy ain’t God (referring to Muslims calling the name of Allah), there’s only one true God, and that’s my God..”

Well shit the bed.

First, Johnny Redneck, I want you to define “God”…. No, sorry; not out of your bible. Define he, she, or it, and tell me where he, she, or it is. When you can do that, I’ll start listening to your God.


To quote Chevy Chase:

“Holy shit, where’s the Tylenol……”


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sorry? Yes and No


By Jim Culp


Yesterday I met Corlea at Walmart. She was a Pentecostal evangelist’s aide that was handing out tracts that stated “You never say you’re sorry.”

Maybe so, Corlea, so here I go.


I’m sorry for or that:


Kim Kardashian didn’t go into porn

Anyone ever voted for a Bush

Anyone ever voted for a Clinton

Anyone is stupid enough to donate money to scams

You’ve been led to believe that modern religions are about “God”

You think that education should be free to you

You think that other people should work and you should not

You think Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean are Country and Western singers

You are 19 and think you should have everything your parents have

You have a Master’s degree and have the same job I do

People still think fossil fuels are the best way to produce energy

People think we owe Israel and Egypt a fucking penny

People think open borders will make us a stronger nation

People still think Kanye West is a man

People think Justin Bieber is an artist, a singer, or anything but a douche-bag

People think that our government is looking out for the working American




I am NOT sorry for or that:


Bethe Correia talked too much shit to Ronda Rousey

I do and say as I please

I say or do things that offend you

I don’t have gods

I don’t have a religion

I don’t send Valentine cards to relatives

I believe green chile should be the national fruit

I believe open carry of firearms should be legal throughout the USA anywhere/anytime

I believe people who abuse children should be crucified in public squares

I believe people who abuse animals should be shot on sight

I know things through years of research that will turn the world you know inside-out

I think Bruce Jenner could have used his money for better purposes

I taught my daughter to do and believe as she feels is right

I am in the middle of my third divorce and will never invite the state into my life again


There, Corlea. Hope this works for you.



Why kill for pleasure?


-By Jim Culp


I have now walked the Earth for 48+ years. In my lifetime, I have killed for food, war, and when I was very young, ignorant pleasure.

I have been a hunter and fisherman since I was 11. Granted, I’ve never been a great hunter of fisherman. I have friends in Idaho and Kansas that make my hunting seem insignificant, and my brothers have caught more fish in one summer than I have caught in my entire life.

When I was 11, I saved up money and bought my first BB gun. You can compare me to Ralphie on “A Christmas Story” in those days. Many small creatures from grasshoppers to beautiful songbirds fell prey to my astounding prowess with the Daisy lever action rifle I had taken as my companion. I wandered the edges of the Gila wilderness imagining that I was Clint Eastwood or John Wayne, and many times I saved the planet from invading aliens in those days. I was walking tall with a pure childhood fantasy and an air rifle full of little steel balls. When I was 14, I received my first real rifle. It was a Glenfield Model 60, semi-automatic, and held 17 rounds of .22 rimfire ammunition.

As I said a moment ago, the Gila Wilderness was less than a mile Northeast of my back door, so it was nothing to grab the rifle and a canteen and walk 5-6 miles out into a wide open area where you could maybe see three houses.

I wasn’t Ralphie anymore; I had a real gun that was capable of killing anything in my world, and at distant ranges. I remember the first time I shot a cottontail rabbit. It sat motionless as I walked to within about ten feet of him, and a bullet left my muzzle and travelled at over 1,000 feet per second to the waiting rabbit, who rolled over in the rocks and twitched for a few seconds (which seemed like hours to me), and died.

I had no intention of eating the rabbit, I hadn’t learned cleaning or skinning, and just for a while I stood there and watched the body of a helpless animal whose life I had taken for no reason but selfish pride.

As I grew up, I hunted deer and turkey in Kansas, and fished for catfish, bass, and frogs in the hills and valleys of Morris and Geary County.

Over time I developed a respect for the animals I hunted and fished, and never took an animal’s life unless I was going to eat it, or if the animal was a pest of some sort.

I told you that long story to make a point.

Killing animals is ok with me for the reasons I just stated. I have no problem with farmers shooting crows that are destroying their crops. I have no problem with people (like I did) hunting deer, elk, and other game for putting extra meat in their freezers.

I do, however, take grave issue with a person that kills any animal for the simple pleasure of placing that animal’s head in a trophy room, or killing an animal and leaving it lay. Yes, I did this when I was a kid. I didn’t know better and nature had to test my heart and see who and what I was going to be.

But the people who take pleasure in shooting majestic creatures like lions, elephants, and eagles belong in a very special hell. Why would a mature adult kill an animal for pleasure? Do you need to satisfy some sick craving?

Again, I’ve no issue with harvesting game animals to be consumed. A person that hunts legally and takes game for meat is ok in my book. A fucking asshole that flies to Africa and kills a lion because he thinks it is cool is most assuredly not.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The GAF Factor


By Jim Culp


It has become increasingly apparent to me these days that the quality of people in general has gone way down in the past decade. Of course, I do not speak for everyone. There are always positives and negatives, good and evil, honest people and downright lying mother fuckers.

So if this blog topic offends you, you might be someone I am talking about.

I’ve noticed in my day to day life that people in general nowadays are simply in one big fucking hurry to do everything for themselves; and could care less about their fellow man, even though they certainly pretend to do so.

Way back in my military years, I started utilizing an acronym called GAF. That stands for Give a Fuck. The GAF factor goes from zero (you don’t care one damn bit) to ten (it matters very much to you). If your GAF factor is on the low side, especially zero, you aren’t going to put any effort at all into fixing something that is broken, picking up a piece of trash that has been laying in your yard for two weeks, or tell your lady that she is the most beautiful woman on the planet. You’re going to ignore the broken item, walk past that piece of trash, and let your lady wonder if you care the least bit about her.

I have been guilty of having a very low GAF factor. When I returned home from the invasion of Iraq in 2004, my GAF factor was at zero. I just didn’t give a flying fuck about anything that happened anywhere for at least two months. But I can give you a hundred reasons why my GAF factor was that low, and some of them would make you wonder how I am still sane, if in fact I am. Good friends and good family dug me out of that hole, and I was back to seven or eight pretty fast.

However, I notice that some people don’t give a fuck about anything or anyone but themselves most of their lives. I observe people on a daily basis, and notice that about half of them could care less about anyone or anything except what they can gain from the situation. They don’t hold the door for you, pick that piece of trash up, and never, ever, have one kind thing to say about something you did. The big problem is that some of these assholes are in charge of hundreds of people. Their decisions affect people’s lives on a daily basis. Some of these stupid fucks are in charge of states, governments, and even entire countries.  Some of these “people” look at one thing: the bottom dollar line, and could give twenty fucks less about the human factor of an employee, a city, or the invasion and occupation of a country.

So I’ve said all that to say this. Please GAF. Give a fuck about things and people around you. Tell your friends how important they are to you. Tell your lady how beautiful she is, and how much you worship her. Tell people who DO NOT GAF to stay out of your life. Tell them you do not need their bullshit or their drama. You’ll notice that after doing these things, your GAF factor will increase significantly.



Saturday, July 4, 2015

Apostles Bashing Gays

OK, so I did some research on this Ron Carpenter fellow.

I was prompted to do this because I heard that he said a person that is gay has an “evil sickness”, and it takes Jesus to “get it out of them.”

Okey Dokey.

So, this fellow is based out of Greenville, South Carolina.

He has a “mega church” that claims the Pentecostal faith, an offshoot of Christianity that has about 200 branches and none of them agree with each other.

Anyhow, this guy is a new actor in an old parking lot of phony crusaders.

He claims that he has actually spoke with God, that homosexuality is an evil sickness that only Jesus can take away, and that his wife that has banged everybody but the tax collector has a mental illness.

He preaches that the Bible has 66 books (true) and that all of them are the infallible Word of God. Nothing new there.

He claims that everybody needs to follow ALL OF THE TEACHINGS in the Bible (all the stuff in 66 books).

Ok, so starting with his latest rant, let’s check the Bible. You have to choose one, there are 20 versions of the same book out there right now. Oh, you’re afraid of mistranslation? Don’t worry, the early dates that the Bible was translated from Latin, it container 55,000 translation errors, so that should tell you something.

So, Old Testament first.


 Lev. 18:22

‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."


Lev. 20:13

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them." (NASB)


Pretty damn clear. So tomorrow Christians, God has ordered you to slaughter every single person who is gay on this Earth. Get busy. Oh, you don’t want to do that? I didn’t think so. It would be absolutely horrific and barbaric, and we as a civilization are way beyond such nonsense these days. Or are we?


So, let’s see what Jesus changed.


New Testament on being a homosexual:


Romans 1:26-27


For this reason God gave them up to passions of dishonor; for even their females exchanged the natural use for that which is contrary to nature, and likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting for their error.


1 Corinthians 6:9-10[edit]


Wycliffe Bible (1382): "Whether ye know not, that wicked men shall not wield the kingdom of God? Do not ye err; neither lechers, neither men that serve maumets [neither men serving to idols], neither adulterers, neither lechers against kind, neither they that do lechery with men"


King James Version (1611): "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind"


Amplified Version (1987): "Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality"


1 Timothy 1:9-10[edit]


Wycliffe Bible (1382): "..and witting this thing, that the law is not set to a just man, but to unjust men and not subject, to wicked men and to sinners, to cursed men and defouled, to slayers of father, and slayers of mother, to manslayers [witting this thing, that the law is not put to a just man, but to an unjust and not subject, to unpious men and sinners, to cursed men and defouled, to slayers of fathers, and slayers of mothers, to menslayers] and lechers, to them that do lechery with men, lying-mongers and forsworn, and if any other thing is contrary to the wholesome teaching."


King James Version (1611): "Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine"


Amplified Version (1987): Knowing and understanding this: that the Law is not enacted for the righteous (the upright and just, who are in right standing with God), but for the lawless and unruly, for the ungodly and sinful, for the irreverent and profane, for those who strike and beat and [even] murder fathers and strike and beat and [even] murder mothers, for manslayers,[For] impure and immoral persons, those who abuse themselves with men, kidnapers, liars, perjurers--and whatever else is opposed to wholesome teaching and sound doctrine.


Crap, them gay folks are fucked. Jesus’s biographers said that Jesus said so.


Well, we know now that you better not be gay, or Christians have been ordered by Moses and Jesus to kill you.


But wait a minute Ron- your wife is an admitted adulteress; multiple times, multiple partners.


Let’s see what the good book says about that.


Old Testament:

Exodus 20:14. ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.”


Leviticus 20:10: “If a man commits adultery with another’s wife, both of them shall be put to death.”


Lev. 18:22

‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."


Lev. 20:13

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them." (NASB)


New Testament:

Matthew 5: 27-30


27"You have heard that it was said, `Do not commit adultery.' 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."


Well, that tears it Ron.

So you either have to do what Moses wants, and that’s kill the bitch, or you have to do what Matthew said that Jesus said, and cut her genitalia off (because that’s the part of her that sinned, right?”


I’d say cut your losses and stop your warmongering bullshit right now. Adulterers commit a crime according to our laws, which are illegally based on Religion.

Homosexuals, however, haven’t committed a crime, they are just doing what feels right to them.

So, in conclusion, this guy’s a psycho fucktard that people keep giving money to.

He claims to have actually spoken to God. Yep, so did a lot of serial killers.


Last thing. If Jesus can take the gay out of a person, why can’t he take the horny out of your wife? Why do you need to call on T.D. Jakes to do it? Probably because that guy does the same bullshit you do. He lies to people about who and what God is. He’s made 18 Million doing so. Yet there are still thousands of homeless people around you and him. Jesus commanded Christians to “get rid of their wealth and give it to the poor.”

I still don’t see a single Christian doing that. They’re too fucking worried about gay people living peaceful lives.



Friday, July 3, 2015

Burning the Flag

I reserve my keyboard strokes for all of you stupid idiots out there burning flags. Here is a little education from me, a concerned citizen as well as a veteran of two wars.

Our nation’s flag is not a symbol of the corrupt government in Washington that resides in an area called the District of Columbia. It is wholly symbolic of the fifty states of the United States of America, a union of 50 states that are joined together for safety and continuity across a section of a continent. That’s the “stars” part.

The 13 stripes are for the original 13 British colonies that decided that they had enough of British tyranny, tyrannical theocracy, and a government telling them that they can’t be armed.

That’s why the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution of those states’ Union say that A) the government can’t make a national religion, B) you are free to speak your mind in a peaceful manner, and finally C) you can keep and bear arms.

These three pieces alone made sure the Founding Fathers and the 330 Million citizens of that union 200 years later could worship whatever gods they want, OR NOT; you can speak out all you want even if you’re not rich; and you can own and carry a gun when and where you want.

The Federal Government in the District of Columbia has, at different times, messed with those rights, and the Constitution keeps shooting them down.

When I went to combat zones in 1990 and 2003, I did so not for the government in the District of Columbia, but for the states of Kansas and New Mexico (where my loved ones lived) so that those loved ones would stay protected and lay down and night knowing they were safe. I did so because I believe in this great Union, a Union of 50 states that make up a great nation.

So, my advice is, if you want to burn something, burn a cigarette, a hot dog, or your hand because you were telling a joke and grabbed the hot grill handle without the heat mitten.

Don’t burn the flag. It just makes you a punk, and we’ve no more room for punks.



Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28, 2015


“The Daily Debates”

By Jim Culp


Well, it’s that time again. There’s confusion all around and Uncle Jim has to get everyone straight. That’s ok; I don’t mind.

First, let’s get this gay stuff out of the way. Gay people, the homosexual version of the species Homo sapiens, date back 4,000 years. People didn’t “get gay” in 1960 when the Beatles brought Rock and Roll from England; nor did they “turn gay” because Satan wants to destroy the institution of marriage. In simpler terms, “some folks is gay, some ain’t,” please get over it. I hear Senators this morning talking about proposing a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage for all time? Maybe they need to obtain a dictionary and read what they word “freedom” means. Go ahead Senator, look it up.


Second, let’s talk slavery. Slavery dates back to the beginnings of recorded history. Man is a creature that sometimes must exert his will over others. If you look at history, the Babylonians (dating back to 3500 BC) instituted slavery in every facet of life. The Roman Empire (both Pagan Rome and Christian Rome) made slaves of every single race that they conquered; the English made slaves out of thousands of Irish; the African landowners of the 16-and 1700’s sold slaves (entire families and generations) to thousands of rich folks in many countries, probably the largest to the families of the Americas. Slavery was condoned by Christian and Muslim for centuries; and oh yeah, the Torah. Slavery in the 1860’s in the war torn United States was nothing out of the ordinary in history. Families of the North and South both owned slaves; and many slaves from both sides fought in the war. The Confederate flag (a battle flag, and later a national symbol of the Confederate States of America), was representative of the thirteen states that succeeded from the Union; it was and is not a symbol of slavery any more than the U.S. flag is. The rhetoric that states this absurdity would be equivalent to saying that the U.S. flag stands for the near genocide of the North American Indians.


Thirdly, the world is seemingly obsessed with the “terror group” ISIS. First of all, although I certainly in no way condone these people’s actions, regard them in the same way that I regarded the Iraqi resistance in Iraq.  ISIS is a group of people driven by religion (imagine that) that believe in a cause, and that cause is making sure that they are not placed under imperial rule that will most assuredly be imposed on them if they lose, and also establishing a one party Islamic State. Now, that imperial rule may come from the United Nations, or it may come from Bashar Al-Assad. Either way these guys aren’t going to stand for it, and have resorted to some pretty nasty tactics to show that they mean business. The resistance in Iraq was fighting an illegal invasion of their country, and when the fight subsided there, these guys joined ISIS. I was on the ground in Iraq when thousands of Iraqi soldiers that were supposed to receive pay to join the army of the “New Iraq” and defend her against hostile takeover from Iran or Syria. Guess what? They weren’t trained or paid. Those soldiers with no job or country went where they saw a cause and a paycheck and started fighting the country (Iraq) and the invaders (US) that had fucked them over. So when we are labeling anyone terrorists, let’s look at all the facts. I’ve already told you that ISIS is funded from many sources; and some of those sources are western governments.


Fourthly and finally; there is a debate in this country that just doesn’t make any sense, yet it keeps making headlines. So let me make my case.

Axes were invented sometime several thousand years BC. They may have been crude, but they gave one man a distinct advantage over a man that didn’t have one. Later, axes evolved into very powerful tools and weapons, with hundreds of designs in use across the face of our planet.

Guns (although crude) were invented sometime in the 1200’s. They also gave a distinct advantage to the wielder over his opponent if that person didn’t have a gun. Guns also later evolved into very powerful tools and weapons, with hundreds of designs in use across the face of our planet.

Although many times in history, overlords have outlawed the use of axes and guns, they both survive today as two modern and perfected tools that can be used for sport, work, survival, and war. So my question remains; when someone is murdered with an axe, why aren’t politicians screaming to outlaw axes?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The “Mark of the Beast”

By Jim Culp, June 2015


“1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.   18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”


This excerpt is from the King James Version of the Protestant Christian bible, a tome of 66 books that were collected over many years, and translated to English, and published in 1611-1612. King James I of England tossed out 14 books of this collection called the “Apocrypha” and had the bible sent to print. Anyhow, this section is the first, seventeenth, and eighteenth verses of this chapter, Revelations 13, a vision allegedly given to Saint John while he was exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the gospel of the now dead Jesus.


A friend of mine asked me to give him my opinion on what this excerpt means.

Well, that’s easy for me. In those days, writers had to describe things as the world they lived in allowed them. So they often compared people and places to animals.

So this ‘beast’ and later the ‘dragon’ are animals that make up a symbol of what the author wanted to convey to the reader. The bible, like all early works, is full of astrological symbolism and borrowed stories.


The “beast” that John described is the internet we know today, to speak in the simplest terms. However, when the Earth falls under a world government 20-30 years from now, it will also be controlled by a huge internet and communications server called the Beast. The prototype for this monster “controller” already exists in Brussels, Belgium.

This massive world-wide server will BE the government; it’s powerful artificial intelligence doing the master’s bidding, and controlling the earth with articulate mathematical functions.

The mark? Oh, that’s easy too. Do you notice that everything you purchase today has a bar code or scanner ID of some sort? Well, just like in the fictional 10th Millennium universe  that I created; in those coming days, you’ll simply be injected with a very tiny microchip at birth, and that chip will be used for everything; identification, passport, credit, money, and everything else.

If you don’t receive the chip (mark), you won’t be able to function in society. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

If you read on, you’ll find that the “beast” has a master called the “dragon”. The text goes on to tell you that the dragon is Satan, the Devil, the Prince of Darkness. It’s right; because the “dragon” is a group of trillionaires made up of lawyers, landowners, and bankers that have covertly controlled the earth’s societies for 4,000 years.