Tuesday, October 29, 2024



By Jim Culp

A Vision of Tomorrow


(This is a short one because I am busy with my autobiography) …


My friends, acquaintances, in-laws and outlaws….

Always...ALWAYS... question your government anytime you please.

Those bastards were elected by us, and they should be voted out of office

when they do not do as they promised!!

They are not your overlords…they are YOUR political servants.

It is far too long as we trudge through the bullshit of their careers.

I also want to make my voice heard about “Tenure.” I think it is a crock of

monkey piss. Some of these idiots are over 80 years old.

Tell me…dear reader…do you want someone that is 80 years old to

have access to nuclear triggers?!? How about 90?

I sure as hell don’t. I also don’t like a hot head like Josh Holly

to have it. I won’t even mention Joe Biden or Kamala

Harris…that is unthinkable to me.

Let me know your thoughts.





Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Gun Free Zones


“Gun Free Zones?”

By Jim Culp

September 18, 2024


Hello. Jim here.

I was just reading some mindless crap and came upon the term “gun free zones.” I’d seen it before, but today I guess I need to comment on it.

First though, I’d like to address how stupid all this stuff is.

People that are stupid enough to fall for idiocy like this are the same ones that are going to be the cowards that run away when a foreign power invades our shores.

Do you know why the mainland of North America has never been invaded by a foreign power? It’s really quite simple. The figure hovers somewhere around 37-47 percent of our population. This includes the lower forty-eight states, Alaska, and Hawaii. In contrast to many other nations, the USA is pretty damn well armed.

Now…there are those that think that armed citizens are NOT necessary to a free state…but they are those that are going to run to my door asking for a firearm when the shit hits the fan. Trust me...I’ve had it happen to me even when there was not a serious emergency…just a drunk dumbass running around the tiny little town that I lived in around 1995 to 2006. Less than one-third of that town’s populace owned guns, and about ten percent of the people had immediate access to them. It turned out that no action was needed from the populace…because the idiot surrendered to the deputy sheriff before any harm was done. When it was all over, I asked people why they had come to me requesting firepower from my gun closet. I reminded them of town meetings when people were wanting to make the town “gun safe” so that kids wouldn’t shoot anyone. I argued that this was the arena of the parent…not the city or state. It was quickly decided that the latter was to be the silent precedent.

Guns are tools…they are not sentient in any way shape or form. It is idiots within our democracy that would proclaim otherwise when they say that “guns kill people” and “get rid of guns and we’ll be safe.”

Nothing…I mean absolutely nothing…is further than the truth.

Have a safe summer. Hold your ground against the morons.



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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"Presidential Debate One"


(My notes of the recent Trump/Biden debate)

“Presidential Debate One"

July 1, 2024

{I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I believe that both of those parties are corrupt and need “house cleaning.”}
9 PM:
Democrat: President Joe Biden
Republican: Donald Trump
My Words: Just me and my two cents…they mean nothing except my feelings. My words are in Italics (like this…)
(From here forward these persons will be called “Trump” for Big Don, and “Biden” for “Not So Sure what I said” Joe.
The session started out with opening statements, and neither one was impressive to me. I started writing at 9:11 PM when Joe stuttered out some incoherent crap, and Trump mentioned that he didn’t understand Joes words.
Trump seemed confident so far, and some of his stuff was accurate; some not. {Ever fact checked politicians? It’s a painstaking job, and I would have to be paid to do it.}
The last thing I will point out about opening statements is one that Joe said that “that cost of groceries was not going up.”
Dude, you gotta be smokin’ some sweet shit. I live in Lee’s Summit, MO…and the grocery bill in my own house alone has almost doubled this year.
Around this time, Trump was given the microphone for his input on “Roe vs. Wade.” (If you don’t know what that is…you have been living in a shed.”
Trump was adamant that Roe V. Wade and many other things should be handed back over to the States (remember those?}
There was back and forth over that, and Biden insisted that he had done the opposite of what he had really done.
Biden tried to rebuke Trump on things Trump had accomplished while in office, and there is a back and forth. Biden has a clear chance to make his points…but stumbles all over himself and no one gets a clear message from him. Trump attempts to take the wheel with Roe V. Wade and screws the pooch on his rambling about anything but the subject.
Biden is given the border issue. The moderator sets the stage saying that there was talk that “too many immigrants were admitted early.”
The question is asked “does Trump intend to deport everyone?”
Biden is clear to breach the front lines and might as well be playing “Candyland” with his grandkids. The subject is lost and there is nothing settled on the topic.
Biden champions the “Pact Act.” There is a back and forth, and it doesn’t do anything for me.
The debate on Russia and Ukraine is laid down for discussion. Trump immediately calls “BAD” on Biden. He goes back and forth over the fumbles and failed policies here and there. Trump confuses Ukraine with other issues and other issues like North Korea and such.
Trump (citing other officials) says that Biden makes a mess out of Military Operations whenever he tries to operate in that mode. {IMO: I am a retired soldier of 22 years. It is my belief that if he could say it without taking too much heat…he’d say Joe needs to stay the F*** out of MIL OPS because he hasn’t got a clue how anything works.}
Biden calls Vladimir Putin a “war criminal.” He then stumbles through strategic matters of the region and makes a complete ass out of himself. Trump receives and Alibi and talks through the last issue and then this one…he is cut off.
Question to Biden: “What leverage will enact Hamas and Israel to end war.
Biden makes a play on many offers made by the USA and talks about “getting rid of Hamas.” He offers no solid strategy to do so.
Trump stumbles with Hamas, and it is back to Biden. Joe has cleared his head a little by this time and tries to be the “comeback kid.” He makes some sense, but the issue is overcrowded by his lack of knowledge.
Trump asks about an independent Palestinian State in the region. There is no clear path for anyone on this.
Trump is asked about the events of January 6th. Trump dodges the question like a pitcher ducking a line drive and gives no relief to the subject. There is an interchange with Nancy Pelosi, and I did not catch it… {my bad}. There is an exchange about the proud boys, and Trump isn’t very forth coming. There is an issue about “Trump giving them orders.”
Biden brings up the porn star. It is all old stuff, and we all know that Stormy got her money. Trump gets a rebuttal, and it is complete nonsense.
Trump call Biden the “worst President in US history.”
{there is a break for the contestants}
Biden stumbles through questions about “black voters.”
He cites something about “Black voters not receiving free homes.”
Biden tries to reply on this issue, and f***s it off like nobody’s business.
Trump is given the microphone and claims that “back in the 90’s, Biden called black folks {super predators}. No one seems to say much about it, and it is rendered mute.
Question: Would Trump take any action on Water/Air regarding climate change?
Biden tries to reply but doesn’t get a word in straight.
Trump says, ‘Paris Accord was going to cost the USA a trillion dollars.’
Biden tries to apply but fumbles all over the issue.
Social Security: Moderator asks “should people with high incomes contribute more?
No one makes any definitive contribution to this issue. {probably because both contestants are filthy rich…}
Border Issue: Trump claims that Biden is a @&&%#& liar. He claims that people receive Social Security benefits as soon as they enter the USA. There is a short argument, and there is no benefit from it.
Child Care:
Trump said the SOS. {In the Army… that means Same Old Sh**.}
Biden was grilled on Child Care issues. He retaliates with more knowledge on the subject that I could have mustered. He knew his stuff.
After this, there is a massive fallback on prior issues that is finally stopped by the moderator.
The issue of the drug “fentanyl” is raised. {IMO: The entire argument is both a waste of time and way too much conjecture on both men’s parts.}
There is an argument about paying for prisons.
The moderator addresses the men’s ages. Biden is 86, and Trump is 82. Age, competency, d*** sizes, and anything else you want to debate was part of this waste of taxpayer’s dollars.
Moderator to Trump: “Next election…will you accept losing if it becomes so?”
Trump: “Yes…if it is a fair election, and there is no foul play. Also, we are close to World War III! Do you want someone like him as Commander in Chief during that time?”
The President openly claimed that while in office, (then) “President Trump raised taxes.”
There is significant discussion after this…where Biden stumbles through the rest of his statements and retaliations.
“Millions are coming in from Afghanistan and Iran.” Biden is not respected.
“I have the highest approval rating from the VA and veterans!!!"

I hope that you have made something of this.
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Friday, April 26, 2024

Gun Free Zones


“Gun Free Zones?”

By Jim Culp

April 26, 2024


Hello. Jim here.

I was just reading some mindless crap and came upon the term “gun free zones.” I’d seen it before, but today I guess I need to comment on it.

First though, I’d like to address how stupid all this stuff is.

People that are stupid enough to fall for idiocy like this are the same ones that are going to be the cowards that run away when a foreign power invades our shores.

Do you know why the mainland of North America has never been invaded by a foreign power? It’s really quite simple. The figure hovers somewhere around 37-47 percent of our population. This includes the lower forty-eight states, Alaska, and Hawaii. In contrast to many other nations, the USA is pretty damn well armed.

Now…there are those that think that armed citizens are NOT necessary to a free state…but they are those that are going to run to my door asking for a firearm when the shit hits the fan. Trust me...I’ve had it happen to me even when there was not a serious emergency…just a drunk dumbass running around the tiny little town that I lived in around 1995 to 2006. Less than one-third of that town’s populace owned guns, and about ten percent of the people had immediate access to them. It turned out that no action was needed from the populace…because the idiot surrendered to the deputy sheriff before any harm was done. When it was all over, I asked people why they had come to me requesting firepower from my gun closet. I reminded them of town meetings when people were wanting to make the town “gun safe” so that kids wouldn’t shoot anyone. I argued that this was the arena of the parent…not the city or state. It was quickly decided that the latter was to be the silent precedent.

Guns are tools…they are not sentient in any way shape or form. It is idiots within our democracy that would proclaim otherwise when they say that “guns kill people” and “get rid of guns and we’ll be safe.”

Nothing…I mean absolutely nothing…is further than the truth.

Have a safe summer. Hold your ground against the morons.



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Saturday, March 30, 2024

"Is this a Mistake?"


“Is this a Mistake?”


By Jim Culp


March 30, 2024



Today is called “Good Friday” by many religions. Just to name a few…Baptists, (and all its branches), Catholics (and all its branches), and many others that would exhaust me to write down. It is a day (primarily in Catholicism) that is a remembrance of Jesus (known by many names and titles) being betrayed and handed over to some dudes that really didn’t like him and being taken to several groups of “holy men” that decided that they would take him to someone else. You can read all about this in most any book that has “Holy Bible” on its front cover…or, if you want to give your wrist a break…you can just purchase the New Testament; because most of this story is in that work. You can probably get one for free…but it may be hard to read. Anyhow…you figure that part out. 

Good Friday is supposedly the day that all the pre-curses happen that would eventually lead to the trial and execution of this man who claimed to be the Son of God. There are books, movies, focus groups, and hundreds of other venues that tell us hundreds of people’s sides to this whole thing…but there is no true answer, because there is no one alive who can testify to any document, person, or other fact that backs this whole thing up. There are literally hundreds of thousands of scholars, ministers, laymen, preachers…and yes, the Pope of the Roman Catholic church. This man is supposedly the “Emissary of the Christ” and therefore infallible. Well, crap on the bathroom floor! Why can’t he just take care of all this stuff and set everyone’s mind and heart straight, and we can all go home happy.

The truth of all of this nonsense is that it is all 100% grade AA bullshit. No one is going to fight your devil battles for you, because there is no devil. Yep…he’s made up too. I remember going to a friend’s house for lunch (across the street from our house in El Paso) and his mother telling my friend that he better eat his corn or the devil might do something bad to him. (Take a step up on the angel scale…yeah, Devil was an angel before he pissed the old man off).

So, as you travel down the road of life, just take religion (and all of its bullshit) and toss it into a hole, a fire, a garbage disposal, or whatever means suit you. You’ll be a much happier person when you do what I did a few years ago. Forget religion…it’s all bullshit, and it’s bad for ya.



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