Friday, January 15, 2016


January 15, 2016


Many today on one side are saying that they hate guns; while yet another is saying they hate Muslims.

Never wanting to be left out or go unheard, here's a list of my Hates:

1) I hate being invited to a "party" and there are no alcoholic beverages or Rock and Roll music. Why didn't you say "can you come over so I can bore you to death?"

2) I hate ignorance. Please stop talking about things, or posting things on Facebook, if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Read and learn, that's how you overcome ignorance.

3) I hate pedophiles. I don't want them placed in mental institutions, or sent to prison, or last but not least, set free to re-join communities. I want them crucified in the town square for all their sick ass buddies to see, and maybe it'll scare the fuck out of them and they wont want sex with children. If not, just shoot their buddies.

4) I hate Racism. It all started with people being called "Black" or "White". Why not just call each other people?

5) I hate ignorant mother fuckers who think that everything from a target pistol to a sport rifle is a machine gun that shoots two million rounds per second. Again, read and learn.

6) I really hate stupid ass people that don't think Green Chile is the tastiest fruit in the universe. What the hell is the matter with you?

Peace, Love, and Please Don't Be Foolish Enough to THINK you will Get my Guns...

-Jim Culp, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016

Readers, bloggers, friends and family.

Happy New Year to you and yours. Blog time again.

Just as I am always happy to see an NFL season come in a year, I am always ready for it to be gone by Superbowl time.
The games this weekend make my point. Did Mike Munchak pull Reggie Nelson's hair? I don't know, and I don't fucking care. I consider it trivial and think that NFL players shouldn't have long hair in the first place.
Did the Steelers do some stupid shit as well as the Bengals? Yes. Anyone that knows me knows damn well that I will call out my boys for their offences, just as I would for my soldiers or my own kid. I am and was never that guy that would say "Oh, she/he'd never do that." People get excited and do stupid shit. It happens. Give everyone a fine and let's move on. As for the referees in our modern NFL, I view them like I do our Congress. Fire every fucking one of them and start over. When a referee makes an invalid call, he needs to be penalized. Fair is fair.

-Jim Culp

Saturday, January 2, 2016

An unnamed person suggested yesterday that I vote for Hillary Clinton for President of the U.S.A.


Three quick points:

A) We've had enough dictators. The President of the United States isn't a king or an emperor. Yes, the current one and the one before him acted like they are(were), but that is not because they have the power to do that, it is because we let them. 

B) Even if I voted, Presidents that come from wealthy families would never get my vote. Hillary is a Rodham, just as George was a Bush. Research those families. You'll get it. Rich people cant think like Poor folks, my friends, and they never will. When you don't know what it is like to send your kids to bed hungry, you wont give a flying shit about those that do.

C) You obviously thought I might be a Democrat or a Liberal. I am neither. Have you read one of my Blog posts? Please do at

There, I answered you and didn't go on an endless diatribe. See? I am growing.

