Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28, 2015


“The Daily Debates”

By Jim Culp


Well, it’s that time again. There’s confusion all around and Uncle Jim has to get everyone straight. That’s ok; I don’t mind.

First, let’s get this gay stuff out of the way. Gay people, the homosexual version of the species Homo sapiens, date back 4,000 years. People didn’t “get gay” in 1960 when the Beatles brought Rock and Roll from England; nor did they “turn gay” because Satan wants to destroy the institution of marriage. In simpler terms, “some folks is gay, some ain’t,” please get over it. I hear Senators this morning talking about proposing a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage for all time? Maybe they need to obtain a dictionary and read what they word “freedom” means. Go ahead Senator, look it up.


Second, let’s talk slavery. Slavery dates back to the beginnings of recorded history. Man is a creature that sometimes must exert his will over others. If you look at history, the Babylonians (dating back to 3500 BC) instituted slavery in every facet of life. The Roman Empire (both Pagan Rome and Christian Rome) made slaves of every single race that they conquered; the English made slaves out of thousands of Irish; the African landowners of the 16-and 1700’s sold slaves (entire families and generations) to thousands of rich folks in many countries, probably the largest to the families of the Americas. Slavery was condoned by Christian and Muslim for centuries; and oh yeah, the Torah. Slavery in the 1860’s in the war torn United States was nothing out of the ordinary in history. Families of the North and South both owned slaves; and many slaves from both sides fought in the war. The Confederate flag (a battle flag, and later a national symbol of the Confederate States of America), was representative of the thirteen states that succeeded from the Union; it was and is not a symbol of slavery any more than the U.S. flag is. The rhetoric that states this absurdity would be equivalent to saying that the U.S. flag stands for the near genocide of the North American Indians.


Thirdly, the world is seemingly obsessed with the “terror group” ISIS. First of all, although I certainly in no way condone these people’s actions, regard them in the same way that I regarded the Iraqi resistance in Iraq.  ISIS is a group of people driven by religion (imagine that) that believe in a cause, and that cause is making sure that they are not placed under imperial rule that will most assuredly be imposed on them if they lose, and also establishing a one party Islamic State. Now, that imperial rule may come from the United Nations, or it may come from Bashar Al-Assad. Either way these guys aren’t going to stand for it, and have resorted to some pretty nasty tactics to show that they mean business. The resistance in Iraq was fighting an illegal invasion of their country, and when the fight subsided there, these guys joined ISIS. I was on the ground in Iraq when thousands of Iraqi soldiers that were supposed to receive pay to join the army of the “New Iraq” and defend her against hostile takeover from Iran or Syria. Guess what? They weren’t trained or paid. Those soldiers with no job or country went where they saw a cause and a paycheck and started fighting the country (Iraq) and the invaders (US) that had fucked them over. So when we are labeling anyone terrorists, let’s look at all the facts. I’ve already told you that ISIS is funded from many sources; and some of those sources are western governments.


Fourthly and finally; there is a debate in this country that just doesn’t make any sense, yet it keeps making headlines. So let me make my case.

Axes were invented sometime several thousand years BC. They may have been crude, but they gave one man a distinct advantage over a man that didn’t have one. Later, axes evolved into very powerful tools and weapons, with hundreds of designs in use across the face of our planet.

Guns (although crude) were invented sometime in the 1200’s. They also gave a distinct advantage to the wielder over his opponent if that person didn’t have a gun. Guns also later evolved into very powerful tools and weapons, with hundreds of designs in use across the face of our planet.

Although many times in history, overlords have outlawed the use of axes and guns, they both survive today as two modern and perfected tools that can be used for sport, work, survival, and war. So my question remains; when someone is murdered with an axe, why aren’t politicians screaming to outlaw axes?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The “Mark of the Beast”

By Jim Culp, June 2015


“1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.   18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”


This excerpt is from the King James Version of the Protestant Christian bible, a tome of 66 books that were collected over many years, and translated to English, and published in 1611-1612. King James I of England tossed out 14 books of this collection called the “Apocrypha” and had the bible sent to print. Anyhow, this section is the first, seventeenth, and eighteenth verses of this chapter, Revelations 13, a vision allegedly given to Saint John while he was exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the gospel of the now dead Jesus.


A friend of mine asked me to give him my opinion on what this excerpt means.

Well, that’s easy for me. In those days, writers had to describe things as the world they lived in allowed them. So they often compared people and places to animals.

So this ‘beast’ and later the ‘dragon’ are animals that make up a symbol of what the author wanted to convey to the reader. The bible, like all early works, is full of astrological symbolism and borrowed stories.


The “beast” that John described is the internet we know today, to speak in the simplest terms. However, when the Earth falls under a world government 20-30 years from now, it will also be controlled by a huge internet and communications server called the Beast. The prototype for this monster “controller” already exists in Brussels, Belgium.

This massive world-wide server will BE the government; it’s powerful artificial intelligence doing the master’s bidding, and controlling the earth with articulate mathematical functions.

The mark? Oh, that’s easy too. Do you notice that everything you purchase today has a bar code or scanner ID of some sort? Well, just like in the fictional 10th Millennium universe  that I created; in those coming days, you’ll simply be injected with a very tiny microchip at birth, and that chip will be used for everything; identification, passport, credit, money, and everything else.

If you don’t receive the chip (mark), you won’t be able to function in society. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

If you read on, you’ll find that the “beast” has a master called the “dragon”. The text goes on to tell you that the dragon is Satan, the Devil, the Prince of Darkness. It’s right; because the “dragon” is a group of trillionaires made up of lawyers, landowners, and bankers that have covertly controlled the earth’s societies for 4,000 years.